Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 2, 2016
The Daily Beast has blamed The Daily Stormer for “smearing” Marco Rubio as a queer.
Ironically, the article – which has “White Supremacists” in the title – begins by mentioning the “Stump for Trump” Black ladies appearing on CNN and saying they Googled Rubio and found out most people think he’s a fag.
The writer then blames me:
Of course, like so many other bits of (mis)information on the Internet, this is another bizarre conspiracy theory with little to zero grounding in any reality. President Obama has also been accused by conspiracy-theory enthusiasts of hiding his secret homosexual history, which (allegedly!) includes covering up a bloody, murderous orgy full of gay sex and crack cocaine. Sen. Cruz is accused (mostly jokingly) of being the Zodiac killer.
The Rubio rumor is now pushed by all kinds of unsavory characters, including staff at leading white-nationalist (and pro-Trump, no less) hate-site The Daily Stormer.
“Is Marco Rubio a Secret Homosexualist?” the headline blared.
“A couple weeks ago, an older female acquaintance of mine told me she thought Marco Rubio was ‘too handsome to be President,’ adding that ‘he looks like a GQ model,’” the post, published in January, reads. “I [hadn’t] seriously consider[ed] the possibility that Marco is a secret queer.”
Funny to have what is probably the most liberal site on the internet defending a Republican, huh?
Almost suspicious, really.
By the way: Rubio himself talks in his book about going to foam parties. Are there heterosexual foam parties in Miami? Were there in the 90s when Rubio was going to foam parties?
Why don’t you look that up, Jewish media.