Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 12, 2015

We’ve had a high-profile non-White rapist in the news lately: Daniel Holtzclaw.
He is a cop who was serially-raping women, and apparently all of these women (at least who came forward) were Black.
He is obviously non-White to look at.

The Daily Beast didn’t care that he’s obviously non-White to look at, however, when they ran the headline “White Cop Convicted of Serial Rape of Black Women.”
They also didn’t care, apparently, to do any research on his ethnic background, which has been widely reported: Holtzclaw had a White father and a Japanese mother.
Meaning he is by no means “White.” Meaning the Daily Beast is purposefully publishing lies for the explicit purpose of inciting racial violence against Whites.
The article was published two days ago, and has even been updated. They didn’t bother to update the lie that he was White or issue a retraction.
Here’s the deal: everyone has an agenda. I have an agenda, just as the Daily Beast does. There is no crime in having an agenda. However, openly lying to people to press that agenda is beyond the pale.
Is anyone else calling them out for this? Or am I think only one?
You can go ahead and tweet the article’s Black author, Goldie Taylor, @goldietaylor. Ask her if she is unaware of the man’s race. Then ask her to issue a retraction.

Then, after she refuses (and she will), ask her what excuse she has for lying in order to incite racial violence against Whites.