Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 11, 2016
Over at The Daily Beast, the beastly Jew Jesse Rosenfeld has his panties all up in a bunch over claims that Russia is arming Hezbollah.
Lebanese Hezbollah field commanders with troops fighting in Syria tell The Daily Beast they are receiving heavy weapons directly from Russia with no strings attached. The commanders say there is a relationship of complete coordination between the Assad regime in Damascus, Iran, Hezbollah and Russia. At the same time they say the direct interdependence between Russia and Hezbollah is increasing.
The United States and the European Union have both listed Hezbollah as a terrorist organization with global reach and accuse it of serving Tehran’s interests. But there is more to it than that. Organized, trained, funded and armed by Iran with Syrian help after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, it initially gained fame for suicide bombings hitting Israeli, French and American targets there, including the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut where 241 American servicemen were killed in 1983.
It has never been proved that Hezbollah ever engaged in suicide attacks, it is a unfounded claim of the Jews.
But even the Jews who accuse them of having done this in the 1980s say they aren’t doing it now, and admit that the leadership of the organization has denounced the tactic.
And besides:
Don’t make me kek, buddy.
Over the years Hezbollah grew to be a parallel army in Lebanon, stronger than the national military, and for years it was regarded in much of the Arab world as the avant-garde of the fight against Israeli occupation of Lebanese territory. It also developed into the most powerful political party in the fractured Lebanese parliamentary system.
Methinks perhaps this is why your butt is hurting, Mr. Rosenfeld.
The Daily Beast met the commanders on separate occasions at the end of December and the beginning of this year in Dahiya, a majority Shia working-class southern suburb of Beirut. They declined to use their real names because they are not authorized to speak to the media, but both say Hezbollah is directly receiving long-range tactical missiles, laser guided rockets and anti-tank weapons from Russia.
So, you don’t actually have any evidence that these meetings took place or that these people actually exist.
You are just a Jewish blog with a horrible reputation making a baseless claim and asking us to trust you.
“We are strategic allies in the Middle East right now—the Russians are our allies and give us weapons,” said one of the Hezbollah officers who chose to call himself Commander Bakr. He is in charge of five units in Syria, around 200 troops. (He chuckled when he said his nom de guerre, mocking Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the self-appointed “caliph” of the so-called Islamic State.)
Adding that little part is supposed to make it seem real?
That a Hezbollah commander took on the name of the leader of ISIS as a joke?
Shame, shame, Jew.
Russian officials did not respond to The Daily Beast’s requests for comment about having troops on the ground in Syria or their relationship with Hezbollah. The organization’s main office refused to comment.
How dare they not have time to answer the inane questions of an unpopular Jewish blog?
Russia’s deputy foreign minister Mikhail Bogdanov met with Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah in Beirut in 2014 to discuss regional developments. Last November, Bogdanov issued a statement making clear that Russia does not consider the organization a terrorist group.
“We maintain contacts and relations with them because we do not consider them a terrorist organization,” Bogdanov said at the time, according to the Interfax news agency.
No serious person considers Hezbollah a terrorist organization. It is widely respected by serious persons as an entirely legitimate extremely efficient resistance organization opposing an evil invading force.
“Assir,” a Hezbollah recruiter and trainer in Lebanon who also commands a Special Forces unit that fights across Syria, says the Russians are increasingly impressed with Hezbollah and rely on it, rather than the Syrian military, to guard Russian arms depots inside Syria. And to hear Assir tell the story, Hezbollah has extensive access to what’s inside those depots.
“Hezbollah is teaching the Syrian army how to use many of these new weapons,” says Assir. He maintains that Moscow hasn’t placed any restriction on how Hezbollah can use the Russian arms in its possession, including against Israel if the organization deems it necessary. “When it comes to Israel, Hezbollah doesn’t take directions from anyone,” he says emphatically. But it is not clear that he is in a senior enough position to know what secret agreements have been made.
We haven’t even established that he actually exists. You’ve done nothing to attempt to establish that, and you don’t have the journalistic credibility to cite unnamed sources.
Why would Hezbollah commanders meet with American Jews to divulge military secrets?
It appears to me, Jew, as though you are taking hearsay and projecting it onto fictional figures in order to push a Jewish agenda against Russia.
The Nerve of These Jews
It is a known fact that Russia considers Hezbollah an ally against ISIS and other Western-backed terrorist organizations operating in Iraq and Syria. It has not been confirmed they are sending them weapons. They may or may not be, but this Daily Beast story definitely strikes me as totally fake.
If Russia was arming Hezbollah, I would salute them, as Hezbollah is an honorable and noble group fighting the Jewish parasite and its tentacle arms. Unlike the Jewish-backed Sunni groups, Hezbollah never threatens Europe or White countries, never declares a plan for world conquest.
But how can these Jews have the nerve to call-out anyone for cooperating with alleged terrorist groups, when they are openly and admittedly funding very serious terrorist groups?
Israel is even treating injured ISIS fighters. They openly admit to this, and let the Daily Mail ride along and take pictures.
And yet somehow they have the nerve to talk about how evil it would be if Russia was helping Hezbollah fight ISIS?
The ridiculousness of this is so bold and out in the open, it’s incredible. Who is actually going to read this and be like “oh yeah, those evil Ruskies, funding the enemies of ISIS, how dare they?”
Is this actually supposed to appeal to goyim, or is it just written for other Jews?