Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 19, 2015

“Online hate” has yet to be officially blamed for the church shooting carried out by a drug addict on Wednesday night, but the Daily Mail and the Huffington Post are getting the jump on it, both attacking Stormfront.
Though it might not happen, I have a very strong suspicion that the narrative of this shooting is going to turn on us. Not just racists generally, but the internet racist community. They are going to claim that Roof was “inspired” by the internet to do this.
The actual fact is that no one supports this shooting, or anything similar to it, and Roof’s alleged actions were clearly a result of his now-admitted drug use as well as – I’m relatively certain – a serious mental health condition, probably including autism.
The fact remains that the majority of gun crime in this country is committed by Blacks, and Blacks are exponentially more likely to kill Whites than the other way around.
I have fully condemned the alleged actions of Roof, and will continue to do so as I continue to support a peaceful solution to America’s race problem.