Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 1, 2014
A brave and dedicated Australian supporter of the Daily Stormer and the Pro-White agenda has printed up 14 banners and hung them across freeways in Brisbane!
An estimated 100,000 people will see these banners.
This is simple and effective activism, spreading the idea to the masses. The people – most of them – determine their views based on the level of acceptability they view them as holding. The more inundated the people are with our ideas, the more comfortable they feel considering them.
Once the ideas are considered, the game is over and there is no going back.
Be inspired by this, White Man. And take action yourselves.
God bless those who hung these, God bless all who fight for the cause of our people.
We are fighting for the future of our civilization, the future of our race. There has never been a battle more important than this.
Stand up and fight!
Hail Victory.