Daily Stormer Editorial Board Endorses Chelsea Clinton for Whatever

Editorial Board
Daily Stormer
March 15, 2017

Chelsea Clinton has a real chance to be the first Saved by the Bell candidate.

After the shocking defeat of Hillary Clinton in 2016 to shock candidate Donald Trump, the Democrat Party is in desperate need of new blood.

As such, the Daily Stormer Editorial Board is officially endorsing Chelsea Clinton for whichever office she is thinking about running for.

Electing Chelsea Clinton to something is exactly what the Democrat Party needs to do to turn itself around.

For a new and better party, the Democrats need Chelsea Clinton.

The Hill:

When rumors started swirling after the election that Chelsea Clinton was considering her own foray into politics, it was met with eye rolls even from staunch supporters of the family.

Think we can let the dust settle a bit before we start talking about another Clinton race?” one former adviser to Hillary Clinton said after the New York Post reported in November that the former first daughter was being “groomed” to run for Congress, possibly replacing 79-year-old congresswoman Nita Lowey (D-N.Y.) “It’s exhausting.”

But that skepticism is starting to fade.

Praise Allah for that.

The Democrats need Chelsea Clinton.

Last month, a separate report in the New York Daily News said that Clinton could potentially run for Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s (D-N.Y.) seat, should the senator decide to run for president in 2020.

Clinton has only stoked the rumors further, particularly on Twitter, where she has repeatedly gone after President Trump and his associates since Inauguration Day. On Sunday, she also took the opportunity to rail against Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) for racially charged comments about immigrant babies.

“Clearly the Congressman does not view all our children as, well, all our children. Particularly ironic and painful on Purim,” she wrote on Twitter, in reference to the Jewish holiday this week.

I’m not sure that’s irony, or how we’re supposed to take that particular statement…

But, whatever.

We support you, Chelsea.

You should be running the Democrat Party.

If your mother’s candidacy taught us anything, it’s that the Democrat Party needs more women.

That fiery approach has some in Clinton World thinking she’s serious about a run for office — maybe not imminently, but in the future.

“She’s never denied that she has an interest in running for office, and that leads me to believe that one day she will,” said one former aide to Hillary Clinton. “And she’d probably be successful.”

Yet many caution that the time might not be right for another Clinton to enter the political scene.

Longtime aides, donors and supporters of the Clintons are still reeling from President Trump’s victory. With feelings still so raw, the timing might not be right for Chelsea Clinton to make the jump.

Even if it’s a year or two or three from now, I still don’t think the timing would be right,” said one former aide who worked on Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign and has spoken to the Clintons since. “I know that’s not fair to her, but nothing feels right about it. It feels too forced.”

This is just sexism.

And possibly anti-Semitism also.

Democratic strategist Jamal Simmons said while the Clintons are “always thinking about campaigns and elections,” he said the Democratic Party needed to spend time looking for new leaders “and investing in them.”

“It’s time to look forward,” Simmons said.

I agree.

The age of Hillary Clinton has ended. It was a total and complete disaster.

That’s why the party needs to move forward to Chelsea Clinton.

Those close to Chelsea Clinton say there aren’t any plans for a political campaign.

“She is not running,” said Bari Lurie, who serves as Clinton’s chief of staff, her only aide at the so-called “Chelsea office.” (She has yet to replace a spokesperson who left after the presidential campaign ended.)

The youngest Clinton is still grappling with her mother’s election defeat and plotting her next steps.

Those plots need to turn into a scheme.

Possibly, she could be Elizabeth Warren’s running mate.

The 2016 election proved that a majority of Americans (popular vote, everyone – she won the popular vote) prefer an “irate female third grade teacher”-type vibe in their Presidential candidates.

The Daily Stormer has officially endorsed Warren for the 2020 Presidential candidacy.

Warren’s “school teacher going through a divorce” personality would jive extremely well with the Saved by the Bell style of Chelsea Clinton.

All all female ticket is exactly what the Democrat Party needs in order to show the voters once and for all that women are superior.