Daily Stormer Endorses Planned Parenthood as the Official Abortion Provider of the Alt-Right

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 9, 2017


The Daily Stormer is officially endorsing Planned Parenthood as the official abortion provider of the Alt-Right, following a tweet by the organization which supports our values as a movement.

The baby-killing machine, from an official account for the Black Community, tweeted: “If you’re a Black woman in America, it’s statistically safer to have an abortion than to carry a pregnancy to term or give birth #ScaryStats,” thereby actually encouraging black women to kill their future welfare parasite criminals before they hatch.

Generally, the organization has marketed abortion as a necessary last resort for people, but with the blacks, they are now promoting it as better than giving birth – and we in the Alt-Right concur. Six million times, concur.

Of course, just as with my endorsement of Papa John’s pizza, I do not actually support the use of Planned Parenthood’s product, which is abortion. I am strictly against abortion for white people. So, unless you end up getting drunk and getting some non-white bitch pregnant, I do not encourage you to use these services.

However, I feel it is necessary for me to endorse them as a company, in order to offer moral support in their struggle to exterminate niggers from the face of the earth by inhibiting their breeding.