Choking Last Jew Gasp: Daily Stormer has Mailing Address and Bitcoin Shutdown in the Same Week…!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 3, 2017

With Trump in charge, the Jews are viciously lashing out like frothing madmen.

This week, both our mailing address and our bitcoin were shut down.


With the mailing address – it was at my dad’s office. It’s the address I’ve used since I moved out of my house as a teenager, for mail from the government, the bank, so on. It worked well because it’s inside an office building. Anyway, the rat kikes from the SPLC called up the owner of the building started making threats, so the building company was going to cancel his lease if I didn’t stop using the mailbox there.

My bitcoin was being hosted on Coinbase, and somehow the Jews figured that out. I don’t know how they were able to figure it out, I never said it publicly. I guess they just called them up and threatened that if they were hosting me, they would suffer the wrath of the Jews.

They are really going all out. It’s a last gasp. Soon enough, we’re not going to suffer this persecution. At least not to this degree.

Anyway, I’ve got a new mailing address:

Andrew Anglin
PO Box 208
Worthington, Ohio

And a new bitcoin address:


These are unshutdownable.

Any mail you sent will still arrive, it was just about removing the address from the site (pops ended up being able to keep his lease). But bitcoin ceased at the old address, so definitely make sure not to send anything else there.

The mailing address can accept cash (all currencies), check, money order, postal money order, etc. I have never yet found that any donation was lost.

With bitcoin – you should learn how to use bitcoin.

Coinbase, though I am kicked off of it, is something you can still use. There are also various easy-to-use apps for smartphones, which you can get in the Android or Apple stores by just typing in “bitcoin.”

Cryptopay is an easy option that allows you to just enter a credit card and the above BC address to send it.

Bitwala is another very simple option.


I also want proudly announce that we have our first corporate sponsor – Smerff Electrical of Brisbane, Australia.

Hit these guys up for all of your electrical needs:

The proprietor has asked me to share this message:

Simon of Smerff Electrical
Michael of Australia First
Jim from Australia First
Blair the machine from Melbourne
Ron out at Odins Rest
Paul out at John Galt HQ
United Nationalists Australia
All the lads at #Dingo Twitter

All Aussie nationalists 2017
is a crucial year. Get out there !

Overseas our thoughts are with

Jesse Torniainen
Garron helm

Stay strong in prison your
sacrifice won’t be forgotten

1488 Hail Victory

If you would also like to become a corporate sponsor of the Daily Stormer, hit me up.

Because the donations have been so scant, we need corporate sponsors ASAP.

We also need public funding, which I am in touch with the Trump administration about, given that we are providing a service which virtually no one else provides: real news.


It’s all going to work out and we’ll keep on rolling, but please do consider contributing, because very few people do, and it is hard going.

Also – Book Clubs – why don’t you guys pass a hat around when you meet and designate someone to mail the shekels? That would help a lot. (Also, join a book club if you haven’t already.)

We definitely could use more money.

Along with shutting down the mailing address and bitcoin, the Mossad raided my underground Aztec temple compound and stole all my gold bars.

And think of the pressure these kikes are putting on us. Let that make you angry. And use that anger to either put some money in an envelope and get a stamp on it, or figure out bitcoin.

Someone has to stop these kikes.

I want to give a big THANK YOU (an all caps thank you) to everyone who does donate. Your contributions are much appreciated. I can’t tell you how much. And if you sent me an email asking to confirm it and I didn’t respond, that means I didn’t see the email, not that I’m blowing you off. I get so many hundreds of emails and can’t possibly read them all. Once I have more money, I’ll hire an assistant to read them for me. Or at least sort them.

We are the leading outlet for the promotion of white identity in the world, and our numbers just keep going up.

This is this month:

We never dipped below 150,000 unique visitors. That spike – where we went up to half a million in one day (!!!) – is the BLM kidnapping.

Our Alexa ranking continues to skyrocket.

One of my 2017 goals was to make it into the top 10,000 globally, but we’re going to surpass that by a bit.

We have a plan. And we are putting the plan into action.

We are going to have an office in the New York Times building. And then we’re going to buy the whole building.

There are no brakes on this train.

The future belongs to us.

Hail Victory.