Daily Stormer Officially Endorses Keith Ellison as Leader of the Democrats

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 3, 2016

Trans-Pacific Partnership

The Daily Stormer is officially endorsing Keith Ellison as the leader of the Democrat party.

The Democrats’ kike problem has accurately been described as a “doozy” by top political analysts from Bulgaria and the Middle East.

In our view, Ellison is the only man capable of dealing with the chronic kike infestation which plagues the Democrat party – an infestation which must be rooted out – “gassed,” if you will – if the Democrat party is to survive.

We also appreciate that Ellison believes blacks should have their own country.

Beyond that, it simply isn’t appropriate or even okay – as in, “this is not okay” – that the Democrat party – the party of the Negro – should be run by whites and/or Jews.

Ellison has also correctly blamed the Jews for 911.

Ellison has shown time and again that he has what it takes to crush the Jews completely, and make the Democrat party great again.

Here is Ben Shapiro explaining why “The Keithster” is perfect for the job.