Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 6, 2013

Daily Stormer is now in its fourth month, and things are going swimmingly.
Just look at this.

In four months. We have to have set some type of record.
We Have New Writers

To the list of myself, Ben and Brett, we have added two writers who will be contributing original material to the site.
Buffalo Jenkins, who has written the following:
And Sven Longshanks, who wrote these:
We also had two fantastic contributions from a reader who wished to remain nameless:
Oh, the second one, I just realized, is still in the process of being recovered after the Hackocaust. It seems it was posted the day of the attack. It was about the Jewish day-trading swindle. It will be back up soon.
I wrote a follow-up to the pick-up artist piece:
I am still looking for more people who want on board with this, either as a regular writer or an irregular contributor. If you have a blog, or would like to submit something, email me.

We were hacked last week, and this should be considered a major triumph, showing that people capable of such things have taken notice and are bothered by what we are doing here.
You can read my reflections on the hacking (as well as a description of when I got mugged with mace, which is a fun story) here.
That was written when I thought a bunch of stuff was lost in the ether of the intertubes. As it turns out, almost nothing was lost (what was posted the day it happened was). It was a huge hassle, but we will be much more careful in the future. It is bound to keep happening, but we have further security in place and better means to deal with recovery.
Jews are About
Over the last few days, we have had many extra Jews about the place.

I am not sure if I should take this as a good thing or a bad thing. I guess it is neither.
This happened after the Hackocaust, by the way. Most of them appear to be coming to see my attacks on the dead Jew Lou Reed, but they are hanging out.
Anyway, that is just a strange happening I thought was worthy of note.
Request: Please Don’t Call for Murders in the Comments Section
I know we all get angry, and emotional, when reading about the endless crimes being committed against our people, but please do not call for murder in the comments section. Because I am American, and still have the freedom to speak about the Jews and their hordes openly, they will be looking for something to get me on, as the site gets more and more popular. More than likely, at some point, I am going to get accused of pushing someone to commit a violent act (even Jones gets accused of this regularly), and having a bunch of people in the comments section explicitly calling for lynchings is not going to help if/when that happens.
Though I am technically allowed to say anything I want, as far as opinions go, calling for violence is illegal, and the law on what this entails is rather vague. If the Jews are able to cite comments from readers who respond to my writings by calling for violence, that will surely make a lawsuit more expensive.
I do delete these comments when I see them. This isn’t meant to be ‘censorship,’ it is just me protecting myself, and the site.
And really, though I understand the sentiment most clearly, I do not think that posting such things helps anything.
Right now, we need to be focused on awareness and organization. If it comes to all out war, as many of you hope that it will, let it be they who provoke us, rather than the other way around. Right now, we still have options.
Restating the Purpose
Though the purpose of this site is clear in my mind, it is important that the people also understand it.
The bottom line is that I wish to create well-informed and ideologically clear White soldiers of the revolution.

Within this, there is the aspect of further informing and educating those who already understand the cause, and then there is the even more crucial objective of formulating effective Antisemitic, racially-charged propaganda for those who are first coming into contact with this worldview.
Some have noted that my Total Fascism site is going unupdated as I am focusing attention here. This is true (though I am still trying to keep the Friday thing going – missed it this week because I got hacked/mugged). However, I feel that what I am doing here is, for the time being, the most important thing I can be doing. While much of what I say here may come across as ‘stating the obvious’ to the already initiated, for the uninitiated, it is still highly intriguing to see someone willing to speak directly about the genetic nature of our struggle.
Good propaganda, as Hitler said, must be based around simple, repeatedly stated points.
And even the fully initiated need news updates, as well as the other information we post here. I doubt anyone is getting bored.

Writing in-depth analysis is something that is still important to me, and which I will surely be doing much more of before I get locked up or assassinated, but presently, expanding our base must be the goal. Our idea is contagious, and it merely takes consistency and devotion to spread it. Every White man on the planet can see with their two eyes what is happening to our people, we just need to point it out and tell them it is okay to acknowledge it.
Once again, it is very helpful for any of you with a bit of time on your hands to spread links to the articles we post here. Daily, I get people contacting me about finding the site, and often they say they came through a link in a comments section on another site.
And Facebook is crucial. I never actually bothered to get another account after the last banning, but a large portion of the site’s hits still come from there.
Money Helps
As you’ve surely noticed, posting has been very steady and strong as of late, and I have been writing quite a bit of commentary. This is because I do not have another job, and am able to fully focus my attention on this purpose. My hope is to continue to do this indefinitely, but in order for this situation to be sustainable, I have to be producing an income of some sort here. The only way I know that this can work is through donations, as I am just not comfortable with advertisement and I doubt there is anyone who wants to advertise here anyway.
I am presently working on putting together a book as well, which along with posting free in electronic form, I will hopefully be able to sell physical copies of. But, I don’t know how much income that would actually produce, and book-writing is a complex endeavor. With the site taking up a good portion of my time, it is going slower than it would if I could devote my full attention to it.
So, if each of you young thousands who read the site daily were able to give just a small amount each month, this would make everything run much smoother.
A few people have written to me and said they will donate when they can, and this is okay, if they really can at a later point, but I want to say clearly that I do not expect anyone who is going to be financially pressed by donating to donate. If giving me money is going to make your own financial situation difficult, don’t do it. You can help out in other ways.
If you do have 5 or 10 dollars a month to spare, you are doing a great service to the cause by supporting what is very quickly becoming the world’s number one nationalist website. The effect we are having is incredible, and numbers are growing exponentially.
Click here to donate:
There’s also a button at the top right of the page.
And of course, infinite thanks to those who have donated and continue to donate. You are all heroes.
In the next month, or possibly two months, I have decided it is going to be necessary to put up a forum.
I have to work out the details of that, but if you’re interested in volunteering to be a moderator, let me know.
That’s It
I am probably going to make this a monthly event. Maybe try to put it up on the first. This is all for this month.

Hail Victory.
Andrew Anglin
November 6, 2013