Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 4, 2013

It is three months since I launched this site on July 4, 2013, and I believe it is appropriate to give a status report.
The response has been fantastic. According to Alexa, the premiere site for ranking website traffic, we are now sitting at 156,554, which might sound pretty far down, but makes us among the most popular nationalist websites in the world (as comparison, at time of writing, is at 156,272).

This is a new model, following the “truther” alternative media platform, while injecting a fanatically nationalist narrative and offering the solution of authoritarian socialism to the problems presented. I believe this site should begin to set the standard, as the old-line Alex Jones-type “NWO” movement attacking the government and preaching impotent libertarianism as a vague solution to this vague enemy is in the process of imploding, as people wake up to the otherwise obvious fact that all of the centers of power in the western world are dominated by Jews; meanwhile, the allegedly Jew-wise outlets, such as Rense and Veterans Today, are filling people’s heads with all sorts of ridiculous fantasy and circular nonsense, while not even pretending to have a solution.
Though we are still in the process of perfecting things, I believe the model I am using is absolutely correct. People are looking for an ideology to fit a new way of looking at the crisis of Western civilization, and we aim to provide that, by gathering the pertinent information and perspective, and putting together a comprehensive image of both the problems we face, and how we need to deal with them.
Aesthetic Updates
Press ctrl+r on the main page to do a hard refresh and see all the changes.
We’ve added some lines, and a new header (thanks, Buffalo Jenkins!). We also fixed a few annoying glitches, which anyone with a smart phone was surely aware of.
I think the site looks a lot better than it did.

In the Future
The site is still in what I have called a “beta mode,” as we are figuring out how best to do things.
This is all a lot more complicated than you might think; still, in the last three months, we’ve posted 1,711 articles, which is about 19 a day.
My main goal, in working to perfect the site, is to get as many good people involved as is possible. There is surely a place for anyone who is interested to use their skills to do something helpful.
We are Looking for More Featured Writers
If you are a writer, perhaps even run your own blog dealing with these topics, send me a sample or a link. There is not really another place where your material would get more exposure than right here. It also makes much more sense to have a central location for this type of material, rather than expecting each person interested to follow dozens of blogs.
As I am aware everyone likes to have their own space – I do as well, which is why I have kept my Total Fascism site – you can continue to post on your own blog, while cross-posting your articles here. We will also give you a link in the sidebar, where it says “Our Writers,” where people can click your name and see all of your material. As I understand the struggle of trying to do all this work and not getting paid, but am unable to myself pay commissions for work, I also plan to set up a donations page which give people the option of donating not only to the site, but also to individual writers whose work they appreciate.
My long-term goal is to do away with most, if not all, of the mainstream news reposts on the site, and replace them with original material. This is, of course, a monumental task, and it will take a while to work up to that point.
Given that we try to give a round-about presentation of things here on the site, covering all things a White man might need to know, including science, history, spirituality and art, we are not looking for writers merely to cover strictly racial or social issues. Anyone who writes well about anything should send a submission.
Also, anyone who is good with WordPress, who would be interested in doing posting work, would be highly appreciated as well. Right now, we are still doing the reposting thing, and will be for a while, but when we get to the point of a majority original content, we will still need someone to help post the work of our contributors.
If you read a lot, but are not comfortable writing, you could also play a role finding material to be featured on the site.

Before Clement resigned, we were working to put together a radio program. This is something I still would like to do. This is a big project though, for which I don’t, at the moment, have the time to figure out. However, as I know people like radio content, and I myself have trouble finding radio content, if you are already doing a show, you may send it my way; if it is good, we can make the posting of your show a regular thing.
Along with this, if there is anyone who listens to a lot of radio, and would be interested in managing the reposting of radio shows, this would also be fantastic.
A lot of people have expressed a desire for me to host some sort of discussion forum, and I am considering it.
I think forums can cause a lot of problems, and can also sometimes be a complete waste of time, but they have upsides as well – the community feel can been very inspiring.
I would be interested to hear people’s thoughts on the matter.
A Modest Request for Assistance in Catapulting the Propaganda
Though we are surely doing very well as far as readership goes, I would of course like to continue to expand our reach. I feel the site is as good as any alternative media site, and as good as any nationalist site, so there isn’t really a reason why we shouldn’t be able to rise to the place of Alex Jones – or at least of Veterans Today.
I would like to ask anyone who appreciates what we are doing with this site to do what they can to help us promote it.
Our Facebook page was shutdown, so we have lost that outlet. I tried to start a new one, but haven’t really followed up on it, as I assume it will just get shutdown again, as the Jews now have it on their list. However, Facebook is indeed a great place to spread the message, and it helps quite a bit if people are able to post our articles on there.

Though I don’t know much about it, Twitter also seems to be a good way to promote this information.
Along with this, posting links to articles on forums and in comments sections also helps a great deal.
Let people know about us.
Understand that your cause is our cause, brothers, and that by helping us in promoting this website, you are helping to inform our brothers and sisters of both the problems we face, and the only possible solution to them.
Donations Are Much Appreciated
I am not going to lie to you, like many people running websites do, and claim that I need donations to keep the site running. Even having needed to expand my already-expensive free speech servers recently, to deal with the high traffic on this site, my monthly costs are still less than $75 a month – with the way things are going, I will likely have to expand again in the near future, but it won’t cost too much more. A very generous donor sent $200 last week, and I was able to pay the outstanding bill, as well as pay an overpriced web designer to make the changes.
So, the reason I am asking for donations is because to properly run this site, producing and managing content, is a full time job, which I am not otherwise getting paid for, and people need money to live.
I am a simple man, and like to live simply, so I do not need mountains of cash, but right now this alone is not enough to pay for life, and when I have to work a job, my work here suffers. I would like to not have a job, and keep this site as my only work, so whatever you are able to send my way helps immensely.
No donation is too small – I can make $5 go a long way.
Suggestions are Always Welcome
If there is anything you think we are doing wrong, or something that you think we are doing right that you would like to see more of, please, let us know.
I also like to hear everyone’s thoughts in the comments sections of articles – so don’t be shy.

Hail Victory.
Andrew Anglin
Skype: Andrew Anglin