Daily Stormer Returns Again! (And No, We Didn’t Get Hacked)

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 14, 2015

    The Daily Stormer team. Thanks to the team. Note that Joshua Goldberg (4th from the bottom, right side) is no longer a contributor.
The Daily Stormer team. Thanks to the team. Note that Joshua Goldberg (4th from the bottom, right side) is no longer a contributor (haven’t heard anything more about that guy – weird, huh?)

As always, the Daily Stormer is back yet again. Because it cannot be stopped.

This time, no one was trying to stop us, however. There was a hardware issue with the host. These things happen.

If ever this happens again, I always post updates on my Twitter.

Might as well use the rest of this post to address a couple issues.

First, I want to again thank weev (twitter, blog) for all he does for the site. He didn’t actually do anything this time, except get the settings aligned for us after the host got things sorted on that end, but he is always there doing things, and this site wouldn’t even be online if it weren’t for him. He is a hero. Show him some love.

Next – tomorrow will be a slow day, might not get started until evening EST. I have some personal things to do. Generally, when this happens, I have everything ready in advance, but as personal things collided with site outage for a perfect storm, this is going to leave tomorrow a bit slow.

Then everything back to normal by the weekend.


We’re experiencing some financial difficulties (I think it’s because I forget to ask – I get so caught up in trying to stop these kikes), so if you can, please contribute.

We do not have a credit card option and won’t for the near future, so right now we’ve got bitcoin and snail mail.



Cash or a check can go to this address:

Andrew Anglin
6827 N. High Street, Suite 121
Worthington, Ohio

Bitcoin is very easy, you can use coinbase. It is as easy as PayPal, you just connect your bank account or card and send money directly. It takes three minutes.

With the snail mail, all nations’ currencies are accepted, as well as checks, postal money orders and so on.

If you appreciate the site and have some money lying around, help out. If you don’t have any money (or if you don’t appreciate the site), don’t worry about it.

Note that we don’t have any ads. Ideally, that would be the way to fund the site, but all ad companies are owned by Jews, so there you go.

Logo Contest

daily 1
My favorite thus far (even thought it isn’t a logo, I want to make it a banner – submit the high res version, Ceptemus!)

I wanted to give people time to submit their graphics to the logo contest, then maybe gave a bit too much time.

So next week I’m going to deal with that, probably. If not the next week than the week after that for sure.

Be sure to submit anything you wish to submit in that thread (can just post as an attachment on disqus, or email me if you don’t use disqus).

A few people sent some in through email that I haven’t gotten the chance to post in that thread yet, and I will be doing that, and then we’ll look at them.

Hail Victory.
Andrew Anglin