Daily Stormer’s Top 20 Stories of 2017

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 31, 2017

2017 was a great year of great memories.

Today, on the last day of this year, we will look back at some of the best of them.

This is the Daily Stormer’s top 20 stories of 2017.

I’ve done it in countdown form, to make it more enjoyable.

Note: click the links to enjoy the memories. 

20.) Moldylocks

The punch heard round the world really kicked off the Summer of Hate. Nathan Damigo (PBUH), the holy Prophet of WHITE SHARIA, ran across a mob of people at Berkeley to land a punch straight on the face of a dreadlocked whore during a protest there.

It later turned out that she was a “hairy” fetish porno model.

The presence of a man with a “Jesus will judge you” jacket on behind the punch scene prompted the development of the slogan “Jesus will judge you after death – Nathan Damigo will judge you NOW!”

19.) PewDiePie Calling for the Extermination of Jews

PewDiePie made a comedy video wherein he had some Pakis from Fiver say “Death to All Jews.” 

Then the Daily Stormer put him in our banner.

Then the SPLC teamed up with the Wall Street Journal to get him fired from Disney.

And a whole bunch of young kids who are fans of Pewds will now hate kikes for the rest of their lives.

Plus, I got featured in a PewDiePie video, which was one of my life goals… well, my site got featured… not sure if that counts. I’m still hoping to do a livestream with him, but the only game I play is Pillars of Eternity. And N64 roms.

18.) Islamic Terrorism

There was an entire shitload of Islamic terrorist attacks this year. The most “high profile” attacks in the West of any year prior (though they still have a ways to go before we beat the 2001 high score).

United Kingdom – March 22 – A man drove a car into pedestrians on the south side of Westminster Bridge, injuring 49 people, 4 of them fatally – score: 6

Russia – April 3 – A suicide bomber blew himself up on the St. Petersburg metro. The bomber was born in Kyrgyzstan and had ties to radical Islamists – score: 6 

France – April 20 – Three police officers and a bystander were shot by an attacker wielding an AK-47 rifle on the Champs-Élysées, a shopping boulevard in Paris. The attacker was shot dead during the incident. He had a note defending the Islamic State, and had previously attempted to communicate with Islamic State fighters in Iraq and Syria – score: 5

United Kingdom – May 22 – Manchester Arena bombing – A suicide bomber attacks Ariana Grande’s pop concert with audience of up to 20,000. Twenty-two people were arrested in connection with the attack, all of whom had been released without charge by 11 June – score: 22

United Kingdom – June 3 – The June 2017 London Bridge attack, was an incident where a van ran over multiple pedestrians on the London Bridge. On Borough Market the occupants of the van stabbed multiple people before being shot by police – score: 11

France – June 6 – Notre Dame attack A lone wolf who was carrying knives in his rucksack attacked an officer guarding Notre Dame de Paris with a hammer – score: 0

Spain – August 18 – Barcelona attacks – Three separate attacks in Barcelona kill at least fifteen people and injure more than one hundred others. “Authorities believe the men to be part of 12 member Islamic Terror cell” – score: 15

United States – October 31 – Lower Manhattan attack – A man drove a pickup truck into cyclists and runners along about 1 mile (2 km) of a bicycle path in Lower Manhattan, New York City. After he left the vehicle, the driver was wielding two guns (later found to be a paintball gun and a pellet gun); he was shot in the abdomen by police and arrested – score: 8

I used this Wikipedia list.

The Wikipedia Jews have failed to include a bunch of them that governments – in particular the government of Germany – ruled to be “mental health attacks” instead of terrorism. But a brotha ain’t got time to remember all dem.

17.) New York Times “Humanizing” a Nazi

The media has been on a rampage of dehumanization of “Nazis,” claiming that we are all pure evil (Jews used to claim evil is a social construct, but no more) with mental problems or bad childhoods or whatevz.

Then the NYT published a story on Tony Hovater, which triggered a massive backlash from the Jews, with the ADL and every single bluecheck Twitter personality coming out and condemning them for not making the guy out to be diabolically evil.

This, like everything the Jews do, played in our favor. Any normal person can see that the NYT is the most liberal paper on the planet, and somehow they were being accused of promoting Nazism for the specific reason that they did not smear this man.

16.) Lauren Southern Fucking a Nigger

The Alt-Lite thot Lauren Southern was trolled into admitting that she fucked a nigger.

This triggered a massive backlash, and proved the point I have been making for years about “women in the movement.”

The incident resulted in my now-infamous article, “Women Should Shut the Fuck Up.”

15.) The Whitefish Armed Nazi March

I planned a march in the town of Whitefish, Montana, wherein I would bus in 200 skinheads to march with long guns through the center of the town in the January snow.

Although the premise of busing in hundreds of skinheads to march in the snow seemed outrageous enough on its own, the media actually reported it when I said I was flying in a top Hamas fighter to give a speech about Jews.

Although the march never actually materialized, due to having been thwarted by local authorities who claimed we filled out the permit wrong, it remains the most successful Neo-Nazi march of all time. It was denounced by the governor, both Senators, every global Jewish organization and rabbis were flown in to teach the local people about the supremacy of Jews. Also, even though the march didn’t happen, hundreds of counter-protesters showed up.

14.) Collapse of the “Skeptic Movement”

After this super-foxy German nerd skeptic YouTuber cited me in a video, the skeptic community was thrown into chaos.

Rage After Storm – plz txt meh.

This resulted in this guy named Kraut and Tea going into an infinite rage and spending months trying to debunk the Alt-Right. Eventually, he learned that he couldn’t debunk the Alt-Right, and so ran a secret doxing and defamation campaign against it. That was exposed, and he was forced to resign from the internet.

This isn’t confirmed but I think it’s real probably.

This is a foreshadowing of 2018, wherein Sargon of Akkad will be crushed, and the entire skeptic movement will simply be absorbed into the Alt-Right, as the Libertarian and Conspiracy Theory movements were before it. It’s also a foreshadowing of the ULTIMATE NAZI DATING SCANDAL of me and German nerd girl, the fallout from which will result in an EVEN BETTER series of Mister Metokur videos than the one he did about Kraut and Tea.

13.) The End of the Syrian War and Defeat of ISIS

After fiveish years, the Syrian war ended and ISIS was defeated in the region.

This was a major event on a lot of different levels, not the least of which being that the Jews have now gone into a frenzy and are trying to throw a revolution in Iran.

Perhaps the key takeaway was that Russia was able to end this quickly after the US, under Barack Obama, spent 4 years bombing the country while ISIS just got bigger and bigger, proving once and for all that the American ZOG is in total support of Islamic terrorism that benefits Israel. I will also note that Russia’s victory couldn’t have been possible if Donald Trump hadn’t cut funding for the CIA program that was funneling weapons to ISIS.

12.) Paul Nehlen Awakens

The most high-profile figure yet to name the Jew did it.

Paul Nehlen, a Bannonite candidate who ran against Paul Ryan in Wisconsin in 2016 and is doing that again in 2018 came out full-on against the evil Jews, to a degree that was mind-blowing.

I stayed away from covering this story on purpose, as you may have noticed. At this point, it doesn’t really matter anymore, so I’ll start covering it next year.

Basically, Nehlen just started tweeting as if he was full-Anglin, which resulted in the entirety of the Jewish realm condemning him.

Ultimately, this resulted in Bannon separating himself from him, which is a debatable move on Bannon’s part.

Either way, the Nehlen Twitter feed was the official 2017 announcement that anti-Semitism is mainstream. This is something that the Jews are simply going to have to deal with. “WOW JUST WOW I CAN’T EVEN” and “SHUT UP YOU GOYIM PIGS” doesn’t work when you have figures this high-profile saying this stuff.

This is beyond “look at this how disgusting” and beyond “private companies must silence these people in order to protect our feelings.” They are now in a position where they are going to have to explain exactly what the hell is going on with their total control of the entire political, financial and media establishment.

We eagerly await the official statement on that in 2018.

11.) Prince Harry’s Engagement to Harambe

The Prince of England is marrying a nigger.

10.) Judge Roy Moore Losing Due to Jailbait Accusations

By far the most depressing even of 2017 was the successful campaign to smear the Bannonite candidate Judge Roy Moore with “overly forward behavior involving jailbait” allegations, which resulted in his loss in Alabama, one of the reddest states in America.

This has large ramifications for Bannonism as a whole, which I was very hopeful for. It might actually mean that that particular party is over. Recouping from this loss is going to be excruciatingly difficult at best.

Bannon’s plan, of course, was to beat mainstream GOP candidates in the primaries, replacing the cuck Congress with populist Trumpists. But now, Trump himself is counter-signaling this agenda, and the entire establishment is gloating with “I told you so.” Of course, if the GOP establishment hadn’t joined in the feeding frenzy with the Jew media attacking Moore, he would have won, meaning that what McConnell and the rest are actually saying now is “see, I told you we have the ability to stop you.”

The early death of Bannonism is unfortunate, but we’ve got a stack of back-up plans here. At the top of which is Nehlenism AKA Eat-a-Bulletism.

9.) The End of Net Neutrality

Relating to the overall internet censorship agenda was the Trump administrations decision to end “Net Neutrality” AKA “Free Bandwidth for Netflixtrality.”

The reason that this was so significant, beyond the liberal Jewish freakout over it calling it “the end of the internet,” is that it intensified the debate over the role of media companies in censoring content. The ostensible purpose of NN was to stop Comcast from censoring content, and the FCC filing said point blank: Comcast has never censored content, but Silicon Valley colluded in a conspiracy to censor the Daily Stormer.

This is a foreshadowing of things to come in 2018, when we will be gloriously returning to our throne at DailyStormer.com.

8.) Vegas Massacre and Thousands of Dollars of Sushi (Comped)

By far the weirdest story of 2017 was the biggest mass murder in history, the Vegas Massacre.

The alleged perpetrator of the attack, Stephen Paddock, is a mysterious white man. We still have no idea why this event took place, but we know that the FBI is purposefully covering it up – from the disappearance and reappearance of the only witness, to the alleged robbery of his house, to the disappearance of his computer harddrive, everything about the official story here is obvious bullshit. They are claiming they won’t tell people the motive until October of 2018, indicating that they know the motive.

Almost as shocking as the attack itself was the fact that the killer would fly to Japan on a whim and eat thousands of dollars of sushi – comped.

7.) Christopher Cantwell’s Jail Stint and Jail Broadcast

One of my personal favorite events of 2017 was Christopher Cantwell going to jail.

Now – hear me out.

These podcasts he did, called “Live from Seg,” are historic in nature. And the event itself was historic in nature.

The man pepper-sprayed someone in self-defense at the Charlottesville rally, and then other people – who were not pepper-sprayed – claimed that they were, and Cantwell was arrested for it. He then served more than 3 months in prison, even though we had all of this video showing that the witnesses were lying. Most of the charges were dismissed, but he is still facing one charge and is trapped in Virginia until he goes to trial.

This is the most open political persecution in my lifetime, and possibly in the entire history of the United States. There can be absolutely no doubt that we, the right wing, are down by law. What these people did to Cantwell proves definitively that we are the threat to the system that the system fears. The state tried to make an example of him, and what they did was give proof that they are trying to suppress rising nationalist sentiment, and are willing to do anything to accomplish that.

Cantwell was also the hands-down star of Charlottesville, being the key figure in the VICE documentary on the event which has now been watched by 2.5 million people.

6.) Mass Censorship

Following Charlottesville, the Jews pulled the switch on their plan to utterly silence any and all dissent against them on the internet.

This resulted in the Daily Stormer being the first legal site to have its domain pulled. As you are aware if you are reading this, we still haven’t gotten it back.

Along with this, many a YouTuber had their account pulled. People lost their PayPals. Even Coinbase, a bitcoin exchange, started blocking people from sending money to right-wing wallets.

For a few weeks there, it felt as though the walls were closing in.

But the Daily Stormer, with weev at the helm, was able to hold the line. We have been on… more than 20 different domains, and we went to Tor hidden service whenever we got kicked off. There has been virtually zero actual downtime for the site, proving that it is impossible to shut down the Daily Stormer.

The goal was to get us off and then move on to the next target, but the fact that they can’t stop us means they can’t move to the next target.

Now, it appears that Cloudflare’s CEO, who pulled our service during the initial mess, did so in order to pressure the government into making censorship of content by backbone services illegal under some new form of Net Neutrality. He doesn’t want to be the content gatekeeper, as this is not his job.

Basically, the entire thing backfired, and we now have a situation where the government is going to come in and protect people’s rights to speech. These laws would certainly include making it illegal for Google, GoDaddy and Cloudflare to ban you, as well as probably PayPal and other internet financial services, and may even extend to Twitter and Facebook.

Can you imagine if they gave me my Twitter account back?

The damage that would result in such a thing?

5.) Donald Trump

Donald Trump as President had some super highs and some super lows.

The worst part was when he bombed Syria, the best part was when he built the w… the best part was when he defended us over Charlottesville.

All said, it was the wacky ride of a lifetime.

We are being told it’s going to get even better in 2018, but the thing is: we’ve got a bunch of impending wars on our hands, and Trump doesn’t really seem very capable of handling this.

The domestic stuff has pretty much all be great, but that does become a secondary thing if we enter WWIII.

4.) The Daily Stormer

This year, both the Daily Stormer and RT became their own top news stories.


I can’t even remember all the stuff that happened. That Whitefish March was the first.

The last was the SPLC, at the behest of a disgraced fake news artist, getting someone to perjure himself and say he saw me in Ohio.

I was on the cover of a Jewish magazine, I got the CEO of Papa John’s fired by endorsing him, we became the first website to be kicked off of the internet and the FCC cited me in their Net Neutrality filing, I got sued a bunch of times, a journalist showed Donald Trump my picture, we were featured in a PewDiePie video, that hot nerd started an internet war about an article I wrote, I trolled the media with my own style guide leading to the Jews calling me a genius child-brainwashing mastermind (formerly an inbred trailer park white trash honky retard), I endorsed Yair Netanyahu and became a top Israeli news story and was featured on Israeli TV, WIRED Magazine named me one of the most dangerous people in the world, – what else? I don’t even remember. It was a lot.

When I was 33, it was a very good year.

3.) Metoo

The implosion of the Jewish coalition of the willing began as the feminist golem the Jews created began to eat its master with the Metooist movement.

First it was top Hollywood kike Harvey Weinstein that got his life destroyed for sexual harassment and this went all the way up to the top Senate kike Al Franken. Virtually everyone who has been hit by this feminist tsunami has been Jewish. And it shows no signs of letting up in 2018.

The Jewish establishment, sensing impending doom, is now timidly attempting to claim that some forms of sexual harassment are not that bad. But it was too late for that a long, long time ago.

You never thought we would be cheering raging feminist nutjobs. But I knew it was coming.

2.) Hoaxgate

For the first few months of the year, Jewish Community Centers were getting prank call bomb threats all across America.

Eric Striker and I asserted that this had to have been done by Jews.

The logic was that anyone intelligent enough to be able to disguise their location and make all of these calls had to also have been intelligent enough to know that it was helping Jews, meaning that this person had to himself be a Jew.

We were told we were engaging in an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory. Then Donald Trump, when harassed about this issue, stated that it “might be the reverse.” He was then accused of harboring an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory.

Then the perp was caught – in Israel.

Initially, both a 19-year-old and his father were arrested, then his father was released and it was all pinned on the teenager, whom they claim is mentally ill and has a brain tumor.

Instead of apologizing to the Daily Stormer for calling us “conspiracy theorists” for predicting the event, the evil Jews are still using these prank calls in their statistics as “anti-Semitic hate crimes,” simply disregarding the fact that they were done by a Jew to help the Jewish agenda of pretending to be both the most powerful group in the world and also innocent, oppressed victims of evil whites. They have even forced through a law based on this.

My current belief is that the ADL knew who was doing these prank calls. Because they had to have followed my logic and determined that it was a Jew, and in order to push it like they did – going so far as to bully Trump into making it one of the first statements in his first State of the Union address – they had to have had reason to believe that the Jewish perp would not get caught – meaning they had to have known who he was and known details surrounding this situation.

The ADL was flipping out, having planned to push through “hate speech” laws under Hillary Clinton – they even had a conference, the weekend after the election, calling for such legislation. Obviously, they had written their speeches under the assumption that Clinton would win.

The the allegedly retarded brain tumor prank caller was revealed to be running a multi-million dollar criminal empire, and had also done prank calls before. He would have been the perfect person to contract to do these calls.

That may never come out. But also, it might come out. The FBI went to Israel to track this guy down, at Trump’s request. And Israel is currently refusing to extradite him. Meanwhile, the ADL continues to attack Trump. There is enough reason to believe, based on their obsessive and extreme promotion of the hoax, that they had some hand in it. It’s enough for the FBI to open an investigation. For sure it is that.

If they do, it will be our biggest story of the year in 2018.

1.) Charlottesville

Hands down, the biggest story of 2017 was the Charlottesville rally itself.

The crown jewel of the Summer of Hate. The reverse Woodstock.

This was the culmination of what myself and others had been working toward for half a decade.

And while there was a lot of bad that came from it – the guys that got sent to jail certainly didn’t like that and I certainly I didn’t like being shut down (even though it ultimately was good for the brand) – the upshot of the event was entirely and overwhelmingly positive. It put us on the map.

It had to happen.

It told the whole planet about a rising nationalist movement seeking to change the world. It made us the top news story and that hasn’t really let up. Our numbers have exploded since this event.

And yes, it was terribly, horribly sad that a useless fat slob died in the process.

Every day, I mourn her. Every day, I light a candle to her fat memory.

Of course, we are struggling now, in the aftermath, to organize ourselves in a way that allows us to move forward. But we have overcome every obstacle so far, and we will overcome this one as well.

The world is ours.

All we have to do is stand up and take it.

2018 will see more growth than ever before.

In this year, the world will know of the deeds of the Jews, and the Jews will have to respond accordingly.

Be ready.

Hail Victory.