Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
November 28, 2015
Mike Rawlings, the mayor of Dallas, Texas, says he’s more scared of White men with guns, than of Syrian immigrants. He is currently trying to persuade US governors to take in Syrians.
He fails to understand why some White men reach breaking point and go on a shooting spree. It’s because of the “diversity” dictators who simply refuse to leave us alone.
Why is it so important to these politicians that White areas must be “diversified”? We just want to be left alone but these anti-White “diversity” dictators keep forcing their agenda on us.
And when we all get tired of the “diversity”, we leave in a big White flight. But then they just chase us down and force it on us all over again.
If you keep poking a lion with a stick, sooner or later it will bite your hand off. The solution to this is NOT to poke it some more and say it’s all the lions fault – the solution is to just leave the lion alone.
This is true of any group; not just White people. If any group was singled out and forced to become a “melting pot” in their own countries, they would most certainly take up arms as well.
If American Indian reservations were opened up to mass immigration, and their concerns were censored – you would see a huge spike in shooting sprees committed by American Indian.
But it’s only White areas where this mixing the races/melting pot/nation of immigrants agenda is being forced, and where alternative opinion is marginalized; sometimes criminalized.
If these politicians really want to stop the shooting sprees they’re going to have to do something that’ll make them sweat like pigs – they’re going to have to stop with their White genocide agenda.
But that’s just it – the fools won’t stop . . .