Dame Lowell Goddard was Shocked That You “Had to Travel 50 Miles From London to See a White Face”

Diversity Macht Frei
October 15, 2016


The child sex abuse inquiry in Britain was always going to be a poisoned chalice for anyone in charge of it. An honest inquiry could only have come to the conclusion that Muslims and Jews had been raping kuffar/goy children for decades and had been protected by other Muslims/Jews who had acquired power within the political and legal systems. In other words, the state apparatus had been corrupted by ethno-religious favouritism.

To multicult ideologues, that truth is the ultimate heresy. Anyone enunciating it publicly could expect to have their life destroyed. They would be denounced by the politico-journalistic establishment and would risk being prosecuted for hate speech. The report might even have been suppressed altogether, just like the Metropolitan Police report (link) that concluded the reason Muslim police officers attracted 10 times as many corruption complaints as other officers was that they were 10 times as corrupt.

Alternatively, they could risk some bland report about how mistakes were made, communication failures occurred, lessons need to be learned, etc. and endure the derision of the victims. Neither of the options is a good one, so it’s understandable that the inquiry has now had four different people in charge of it over the last two years.

New Zealander Lowell Goddard was brought in because it was thought a foreigner could be more objective than members of the British Establishment. And so she was. The Establishment were then shocked at the results of her objective judgement and schemed to have her ousted from office. Here is what the Times report says about her:

• She said that Britain had so many paedophiles “because it has so many Asian men”; voiced shock at the size of the country’s ethnic minority population; and allegedly complained of having to travel 50 miles from London to see a white face.

• She flew into rages and treated staff with contempt.

• She claimed not to be part of the establishment but was overly impressed by “breeding”; judged people according to their social status; and nursed a deep reverence for the royal family. It is understood that the judge — who denies all the allegations against her — was eventually warned by a senior official about her frequent use of racially derogatory language. She is said to have been told that “you can’t say those things in our country”. No further action was taken.

Alarm at Dame Lowell’s conduct was compounded by doubts about her competence. She allegedly suffered memory lapses and at times struggled to grasp points of English law. Insiders described secret meetings and high-level discussions over many months where assurances were given that their concerns were being shared with senior Home Office staff. They were told that information was passed to Liz Sanderson, Mrs May’s special adviser, and to Mark Sedwill, the most senior civil servant at the Home Office.
