Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 8, 2015

As we all know, #WhiteWomenCantBeRaped.
Comedian Damon Wayans shared his theory on the reasons behind the sexual assault allegations against Bill Cosby when he visited Power 105’s The Breakfast Club on Friday.
“Tell the truth,” Wayans said about his advice for the Cosby Show star. “If I was him, I would divorce my wife, give her all my money and then I would go do a deposition. I would light one of [those] three-hour cigars. I’d have some wine and maybe a Quaalude, and I would just go off, because I don’t believe that he was raping. I believe he was in relationships with all of them, and then he’s like, ‘You know what? It’s 78. It don’t work like that no more. I can’t get it up for any of y’all. Bye, b**ches,’ and then they’re like, ‘Oh, really? Rape!’ “
I don’t know what any of that means.
Wayans called the claims against Cosby a “money hustle” and feels that some of the women found it hard to deal with rejection.
“If you listen to them talk, they go, ‘Well, the first time …’ The first time? Bitch, how many times did it happen? Just listen to what they’re saying and some of them really [are] un-rape-able. I just look at them and go, ‘You don’t want that. Get out of here,’ ” Wayans said.
He added: “How big is his penis that it gives you amnesia for 40 years?”
That part I do understand. And false rape-accusations are a real thing, and such a thing can obviously also happen to a Black man. It is just much more believable when a Black man is accused of rape, as they are so much more likely to do it, statistically.
It is also a whole lot of women that have accused him.

And I do tend to think the media would choose to protect Cosby more than they have if that were possible.
Anyway, here’s Wayans on the Breakfast Club.
I have regularly advised people to watch the Breakfast Club, as it gives incredible insight into Black psychology. And it is indeed often very entertaining.
I have not watched this particular episode.