Danish Former NATO Head Says US Needs to be “World Police” to Stop Putin

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 21, 2016

team america


He actually said “world police”!


Former NATO head Anders Fogh Rasmussen has called on the US to act as the world’s policeman to “counter autocrats like President [Vladimir] Putin.” He made the comments in an editorial for the Wall Street Journal.

In his opinion, only the US has the “credibility” to be a “policeman to restore order, a firefighter to put out the flames of conflict, and a kind of mayor, smart and sensible, to lead the rebuilding.”

Central to his desire to have a strong America is his belief in the necessity to counteract President Putin, who he called an “autocrat,” while adding that “Russia is obsessed with rebuilding the empire the Soviet Union lost.”

Let’s say that’s true.

Who cares?

Russia has had an empire for hundreds of years. And it was actually a lot smaller during the Soviet era than during the 19th century.


And the Ukraine has always been a part of Russia.

I mean, I get that Baltic countries don’t want Russian rule. That’s fine. Maybe then they should be more open to talking with Russia, rather than calling for the US to go to war for them.

These are territories that historically do not have anything to do with America.

“The world needs such a policeman if freedom and prosperity are to prevail against the forces of oppression, and the only capable, reliable and desirable candidate for the position is the United States,” the former NATO secretary general wrote in his editorial.

He also praised the US for its “leadership of the international rules-based order—which was created after World War II and which secured for the world an unprecedented period of peace, progress and prosperity.”

Rasmussen fails to consider that since the start of the new millennium, the US has been involved in disastrous campaigns in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Pakistan’s tribal regions, while it has also failed in its fight against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).

Washington’s record in the 20th century was not much better, with campaigns in Vietnam, Korea and the former Yugoslavia, which brought wide-scale suffering to the local populations.

Not to mention those two big wars in Europe which so far no one has been able to explain…

But we’ll give RT a pass for not mentioning those.

The Actual Situation

Bottom line: this idea of massive wars in the modern technological era is totally ridiculous.

The historical reason that people fought wars, going all the way back to prehistoric tribal times, was for resources. And all things being equal, resources just aren’t really a problem anymore.

I have been to probably 30 third world countries. I lived in areas of China where villagers used to be sent to work in these Western-owned factories for 16 hours a day (this has pretty much stopped happening over the last ten years, though I did witness the end of it). I’ve stayed in the Philippines, which is the poorest country in the poorest region of Asia (excluding possibly Burma, which has had a long-running war). I’ve stayed in North Africa. No one is starving, anywhere, and even the poorest people have access to conveniences that kings didn’t have access to a hundred years ago.

The only people who are actually hungry are some of the Blacks, because even when you fly in unlimited amounts of food and drop it off on their doorstep, the Blacks are able to figure out a way to screw it up and starve themselves. They are also the only people which will purposefully breed past the limits of their resources. But the Blacks are, all things being equal, irrelevant, because they’re not going to invade anyone other than each other.

So, if resources are not a reason to control territory, the only other reason is ideology and/or a psychopathic drive for dominance over others. This is where the Jews enter in. Jews are causing all of these wars for reasons that do not have to do with resources. They organize wars based on perceived threats to them which don’t actually exist. They feel a chronic, neurotic desire to control everything that exists and to destroy all forms of non-Jewish power.


That is what the aggression against Russia is about. The people who organized the coup in the Ukraine were all Jews. US Jews and EU Jews got together with local Jews to agitate Putin’s Russia, because Putin has flatly refused to go along with the international Jewish agenda on ideological grounds.

Russians have rejected “democratic values,” which include:

  • Multiculturalism, mass immigration and the ethnic cleansing of Whites in White countries
  • Feminism
  • Homosexuality
  • Nihilistic atheism
  • Endless Middle Eastern wars

And so on.

As such, they present a threat to what Jews claim is the future of mankind: an Islamic, homosexual, feminist, brown world with a global government run by Jews.