Stuff Black People Don’t Like
March 5, 2015
Ferguson War Journal: Day 204
Just before you log onto Twitter, one of the images you get is off hundreds of people with their hands up – raised to the heavens – in front of the Gateway Arch in St. Louis.
Without proper background on the context of the photo, one might conclude this magnificent structure is some religious shrine and the people with their hands up are engaging in an orgiastic devotional in hopes of sharing the cosmic energy radiating from the arch.

No… it’s just a bunch of idiots engaging a hilarious lie, a public display of stupidity just a few ticks away from being on par with those fools who drank Jim Jones Kool-Aid.
“Hands up, Don’t shoot.” A battle cry for those desperately attempting to tell you #BlackLivesMatter, which a careful study of homicides and nonfatal shootings from any major city will immediately prove that they don’t…
“Hands up, Don’t shoot.”
A lie fueling the hatred of whites powerfully on display when Bosnian Zemir Begic was attacked by a group of blacks with hammers in St. Louis. Begic, who hails from a community that has a number of individuals currently being prosecuted for donating money to ISIS and other Muslim causes, was murdered because the blacks saw only a white man.
Allah didn’t save Begic from the Infidels carrying hammers, though his whiteness was a liability in a climate where “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” birthed the racial madness that ultimately took his life.
“Hands up, Don’t shoot.” [‘HANDS UP, DON’T SHOOT’: AN IGNOBLE LIE FOR THE AGES: Don’t you know, “gentle giant” was just a metaphor?, American Spectator, 11-28-14]:
The Associated Press explored this disconnect between the ongoing “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” narrative with the facts presented at the inquiry. “Even if you don’t find that it’s true, it’s a valid rallying cry,” protester Taylor Gruenloh told the AP. “It’s just a metaphor.”
“This is not about one boy getting shot in the street, but about the hundreds just like him who have received the same callous and racially-influenced treatment,” Oakland demonstrator Gabe Johnson, identified as “a middle school teacher” by the AP, insisted. “So ultimately, no, it doesn’t matter at all if somehow we can say for sure whether this one young man really said these words or had his hands up.”
Oh, but it does matter if you can say for sure whether 18-year-old Michael Brown had his hands up as an act of surrender or if Officer Darren Wilson encountered a malicious black male on Canfield Drive with the intentions of taking his life.
And, as the Department of Justice has now admitted, the latter is – begrudgingly to Eric “My People” Holder – the case. [Darren Wilson Is Cleared of Rights Violations in Ferguson Shooting, New York Times, 3-4-15]:
Offering the most definitive account yet of the shooting of an unarmed black teenager that stirred racially charged protests across the country, the Justice Department has cleared a Ferguson, Mo., police officer of civil rights violations in the death last August of Michael Brown.
The decision, announced on Wednesday, ends a lengthy investigation into the shooting last August, in which the officer, Darren Wilson shot and killed Mr. Brown in the street as he tried to stop him for a possible theft. Several witnesses said Mr. Brown, 18, had his hands up in surrender when he died, leading to violent clashes in Ferguson and nationwide protest chants of “Hands up, don’t shoot.”
Mr. Wilson, who left the Ferguson Police Department late last year, said that Mr. Brown had fought with him, reached for his gun, and later charged at him, making him fear for his life.
“There is no evidence upon which prosecutors can rely to disprove Wilson’s stated subjective belief that he feared for his safety,” the report said. At the same time, it concluded that the witnesses who claimed that Mr. Brown was surrendering were not credible.
“Some of those accounts are inaccurate because they are inconsistent with the physical and forensic evidence; some of those accounts are materially inconsistent with that witnesses’ own prior statements with no explanation,” the report said.
“Although some witnesses state that Brown held his hands up at shoulder level with his palms facing outward for a brief moment, these same witnesses describe Brown then dropping his hands and ‘charging’ at Wilson,” it added.
“Those witness accounts stating that Brown never moved back toward Wilson could not be relied upon in a prosecution because their accounts cannot be reconciled with the DNA bloodstain evidence and other credible witness accounts.”
The absurdity of Black-Run America (BRA), whose devoted “journalists” have peddled the lie of “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot”with a zealotry only matched by their commitment to calling George Zimmerman a ‘white-hispanic’, has been utterly exposed in the farce of Ferguson.
The main question now is when did the Obama Administration and the Department of Justice know these facts: August? October? November?
The night of November 24th, when Ferguson inexplicably burned (despite the National Guard stationed throughout St. Louis County)?
One small suburb – a city once home to the aspirations of young white families – has now birthed a glimpse of the horror of HUD’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) plan all because the story of Ferguson’s collapse is nothing more than a warning of the true evil of Section 8 Vouchers.
And the story of the deification of Michael Brown is nothing more than an expose of the pure evil nature of modern journalism, whose newsrooms are staffed with social justice warriors intent on excusing away all manners of black dysfunction as the lingering residue of white racism.
It’s time put your hands down black people.