Dat Boi Cultural Appropriation Scandal!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 4, 2016

o shit waddup

I’ve posted a couple dat bois in my day.

But now, I think I’m going to start posting more.

(((David Cole))) writes for Takimag:

“Dat Boi” is an Internet meme that sprung up randomly, as so many memes do, about two months ago. It’s a low-resolution frog riding a unicycle, with the caption “Here come dat boi!” Don’t try to overthink it. It’s (supposedly) funny because it’s silly and random. A frog, retro low-res graphics, a unicycle, and slang for “that boy.” If you insist on knowing more, there’s no shortage of Dat Boi explanatory articles. But really, all you need to know is that it’s arbitrary on purpose, a non sequitur, a head-scratcher for “noobs”…everything that makes a good meme.

Except that according to black social justice warriors, it’s a bad meme. A very bad meme. Because it’s racist (you expected a different reason?). Yes, the frog on the unicycle is racist. According to a May 25 piece in PAPER magazine, proud African-American warriors have decided that Dat Boi is yet another case of “cultural appropriation,” as well as “white privilege and the Internet’s casual appropriation of African-American Vernacular English (AAVE).” Over the course of three days, the influential, 40,000-person meme-appreciation Facebook group Post Aesthetics experienced a mutiny of sorts as black members demanded that posts featuring Dat Boi be censored, and that Dat Boi be banned from ever showing its froggy face again. The moderators agreed, and the frog on the unicycle was banished, along with many group members whose racism was so severe that they were blinded to the obvious fact that the unicycle frog was a greater menace to black people than a thousand noose-wielding Klansmen.

One anti–Dat Boi group member actually put the time into crafting a six-point itemized list explaining why the meme must be banned. Reason No. 1 was “People who are not black don’t get to decide what is and isn’t antiblack, or what is and isn’t AAVE.” In other words, my opinion is more valid than yours because my skin is different. That’s what passes for “antiracism” these days. Post Aesthetics mod Tamia Thompson explained to PAPER mag that Dat Boi represents “the commodification of black culture on the Internet,” adding, “we try to quell instances of appropriation in the group.” So sayonara, Dat Boi (wait…did I just culturally appropriate from Asians?).

The Jew then gives a rather insightful bit of insight into the way Jews have used cultural appropriation to their own benefit.

As a Jew, this whole cultural appropriation thing befuddles me. When I see black people getting so anal-retentive over whites “usurping” their culture, I want to scream from the top of my Hebraic lungs, “You morons—you’re doing it wrong!” Jews are where we are in the West because we invite cultural appropriation. Hell, we insist on it. We want the host culture to use our words and phrases, adapt our influences, adopt our faith, flock to our causes, and believe that our suffering is theirs. We want you to co-opt our culture. When we see Christians quoting from the Old Testament more often than the New, we don’t think, “Hey, stop appropriating our faith,” but just the opposite—we love it when white European Christians claim a chunk of Hebrew history for themselves. We look at it as a safety net, for us.

In the same way, we want Christians to appropriate Israel. We want them to think that Israel’s existence and security are actually important Christian matters (you know, “prophecy” and such). When we see Christians championing Israel as though it’s their homeland, too, we don’t think, “Damn that dreaded appropriation of our blessed land.” We think, “Bravo—this is supremely good for our security.”

Note how Jews aren’t upset that y’all get your sons’ penises clipped. It’s supposed to be something holy, a covenant between us and our God. Hey, black folks, circumcision is a lot holier to us than your filthy dreads are to you. But guess what? We absolutely love the fact that Christian whites embrace the practice, because now it’s a covenant between us and the dominant culture.

Jews embrace the fact that Yiddish has subtly infiltrated the English language. We don’t get pissed when we hear a gentile say klutz or shtick or schmuck or schmooze, or adopt Yiddish phraseology like “such a deal” or “you think maybe?” We don’t view it as linguistic genocide.

Look, I’m not trying to pen some kind of Maurice Samuel You Gentiles confessional here. I’m merely trying to point out that “appropriation” always goes both ways (minority groups adopt elements from the dominant population, and vice versa), and minority groups are better served by welcoming the process and using it to their advantage, as opposed to hectoring the majority for every small instance of supposed “theft.” That which is “holy” to a minority group, be it cutting off penis tips or letting hair harden to a filthy nap, is not lessened in its sacredness by the fact that others do it. If you’re comfortable with your own identity, “appropriation” shouldn’t bother you. Of course, as Dolemite cannily pointed out so long ago, some people are just “born-insecure mutherfuckers.”

Such a stupid concept, this “appropriation.” Doesn’t even make sense. They speak our language, live in houses we built, wear our clothes, eat our food, drive our vehicles. Everything about Black American life (and most of Black African life, for that matter) is stolen from Whites.

And yeah, the Jew’s right. Appropriation has been his biggest conquest strategy. This is the entire concept of Hollywood – imposing Jew culture on White society.


I was kinda shunning dat boi before. People were emailing me like “where dat boi?” And I was like “I dunno brah, check Reddit.”

But no more.

The Stormer embargo against dat boi is officially lifted.

Pepe, you’re just gonna have to deal with it – there’s a new boi in town.