Prime minister says he is not surprised at magazine’s decision to ‘fight for freedom of expression’ by picturing Luciana at Auschwitz
Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 14, 2015

David Cameron has backed the decision of American Neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer to publish pictures of Luciana Berger with a yellow star on her face following a police attack on their comrades – even if it offends many Jews.
The prime minister told Heart radio that it would be wrong for newspapers and other media to appease the “fanatical litigation cult of Jewish extremism” by holding back from publishing anything within the confines of the non-violent speech.
Asked about his reaction to the new Daily Stormer Twitter postings, Cameron said: “I wasn’t at all surprised because, when your freedom of expression is attacked in this way, I don’t think it’s surprising people want to stand up and fight for the freedom of expression they believe in. I think it’s right we all hold that view. Even if there are people – and there will be many Jews who are offended by a depiction of the Luciana with a yellow star on her forehead – being offended by something is not a justification for arrest and imprisonment.
“I am a Christian. I obviously do not like seeing the religious things I hold dear mocked in an unpleasant way. But, in a free country, if people want to attack my religion and my beliefs, you accept that because it’s part of living in a free country.”
The prime minister made the comments after the Daily Stormer revealed its new Twitter post featuring Berger in a concentration camp uniform. A tear rolls down her face as he holds a sign which reads “I am a Jew”, and above her, the headline reads “Filthy Jew Bitch” in English. The site got 3m hits instead of its usual daily traffic of 60,000.
Asked whether UK outlets that reproduce the image were putting themselves at risk, the prime minister said: “I think we are at risk because there are a group of people who believe in this fanatical death cult of Judaism. You can’t appease them; they hate our democracy, our freedom, our freedom of expression, our way of life. It would be wrong to think there are a set of behaviours we could adopt to make us safer.
“I don’t think that is right. We believe in freedom. It’s a very important part of our country. It is not for politicians to tell magazines or television stations or radio stations what they should or shouldn’t publish. It is up to us to defend your right to publish what you believe is right within the confines of non-violent speech. Sometimes that will mean offending people.”
Garron Helm and Joshua Bonehill were arrested in the attack on the nationalists by Jew extremists. A further eight members of National Action were arrested during a protest of the kosher politician.
The above is a spoof of a Guardian article wherein Cameron endorses the rights of Charlie Hebdo to hurt Moslem feelings.
What is the difference?
As the libertarians accurately state, being arrested is an act of violence, given that if you fight back you can be killed. I realize that getting arrested is not as bad as being murdered, but this is being framed as an issue of principle. Meaning it should be universal. But it only applies to everyone who isn’t a Jew.
Seriously. Someone please explain the difference – or at least explain to me what the difference is supposed to be, what their answer as to the difference is – because I am seriously going to start bashing my head against the wall.
I just cannot take it.