David Irving: “Fifty Years of Fighting for Truth, Whatever the Cost”

Daily Stormer
March 4, 2017

David Irving – Britain’s bravest and best Historian: ‘Fifty years of fighting for truth, whatever the cost’. The film ‘Denial’ is currently showing in cinemas across Britain and the star of it all is the historian, David Irving. The film has been designed to shore up Zionist claims about what happened in WWII, but current reports suggest that those members of the public still able to think for themselves, along with those level-headed enough not to be swept away by emotion engendered by the Hollywood mind controllers, actually leave the cinema with a sneaking suspicion that the true deniers – those suffering from denial – are in fact the sleepwalking liberals.

For the liberals deny reality, they deny history, they deny human nature and they deny everything that doesn’t accord with their simplistic, puerile world view. They have to, otherwise their dream world would come crashing down and they would have to wake up to and deal with some very harsh truths. David Irving, a man whose life’s work has been to find out the truth, to disseminate the truth and to use it to wake people up, will talk about his struggles, his sufferings and his successes. If people, worldwide, are now indeed waking up, then this man can claim a large share of the credit.