Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 29, 2015
The above video was made by an enemy of Davis Aurini to make him out as an evil monster, but in actual fact, shows that he is a pretty cool guy.
Here’s the original video on the Jewish Question which Aurini produced, which is cited in the above clip. He’s since gotten even more hardcore. Check out his channel.
I haven’t watched all his stuff and probably wouldn’t agree with all of it, but hey, he’s definitely going in the right direction.
For those who don’t know, he’s a manosphere guy.
And, as predicted by yours truly, the manosphere is currently going full-Fascist.
Because there is nowhere else for anything to go but full-SJW or full-Fascist.
This is why people like Sargon of Cuckad, Gavin McCuck and Paul Judas Watson are doomed. They are attempting to ride a fence which is in the process of disintegrating.