Dawn of the Revenge of the Planet of the Richard Spencers

Illegal Aryan
Daily Stormer
June 28, 2017

On Sunday, I went with a couple Stormers to the very high-energy Free Speech Rally in DC put on by the Alt-Right. Per my usual luck, the Megabus failed to come to my stop, so I rushed to the Philly train station and got an expensive train ticket in order to make it on time.

Attendance was perhaps in spite of my better judgment, as I am still unemployed after getting doxed last month [#YOLO -AA].

On our way over to the Alt-Right area we walked past the antifa camp, which was basically some very low-energy individuals mulling around with their little signs that were too far from us to be legible, and who ultimately failed to even be a nuisance. In fact, the noise from the planes that regularly flew over us were far more distracting than these sickly miscreants! The worst they could do was chant “Shame on you” to us, which we turned back on them – with 14 times the volume and 88 times the energy!

They couldn’t even get the real Darryl Lamont Jenkins.

Mmm, symbolism…

Once inside the Alt-Right basecamp, I said hi to Mike Enoch and Chris Cantwell, both of whom I’d met before in Pikeville. I also got to meet baked Alaska and the “Hitler Did Nothing Wrong” guy, who seemed like pretty cool dudes.

I was a little disappointed to find out that there were no solid plans for an afterparty like they had in the recent Texas gathering, but perhaps it’s more difficult with such a large and diverse group.

Also I had no contacts with anyone on the inside [I can get you on the inside. -AA].

Mike Enoch

Christopher Cantwell

Kekistanis: Normies who larp as autists. Or autists who larp as right-wing. Either way, what an asset!

I spent the majority of my time at the event livestreaming the speeches and taking pics.

Cantwell and Enoch were in top form, the former leading the crowd in a chant against the antifa protesters and the latter motivating the hell out of everyone with his trademark righteous fury. For some reason my Periscope of the Cantwell speech came out with no audio, but fortunately he records everything he does, so one will probably hear his performance on his next show.

One of the strangest things at the event was when shortly after being introduced, Enoch allowed some alt-lite junkie weirdo with a deformed uber-Jewish sidekick to give a really terrible speech for the sake of… free speech. The more he stuttered, the stronger the heckling became, and once he could no longer complete his sentence about the Lincoln Memorial incorporating fasces he was cordially asked to step down, and received some good will applause.

Don’t ask

* blocks your path * what do you do?

Red Ice livestreamed the event, but their stream suffered from some intermittent blackouts, and the epic end of Spencer’s speech got cut off. Luckily, my recording has the whole thing – because at the very end he literally gassed everybody in the crowd with the help of Identity Europa, finally showing organized Jewry that he’s no longer fucking around.

Following the speech, Spencer quickly left with IE in a very orderly procession, and everyone else proceeded to go their own way. Around that time, some crazed greasy gookman started yelling at me for my otherwise well-received Duterte shirt.

“Duterte’s not your friend! Take that fucking shirt off! I’m Indonesian!” he shrieked. I simply replied that Duterte doesn’t have to be my friend, but he takes care of his own and that’s good enough to get my respect. Wasn’t the most intimidating guy ever, but nonetheless the police escorted him out. My friend said he was trying to annoy someone by licking their boots earlier, and I’ve seen enough antifa antics to not disbelieve that outright.

My friend and I got stood up by a friend of a friend on Discord who told us he would give us a ride back to Philly [Sad! -AA], so after a little tour through DC we once again got us some good old Megabus tickets.

Like many others, I’m looking forward to the Unite the Right event in Charlottesville – I’m sure the Daily Stormer faction will have a significant presence there!