Day 3: Drain the Swamp of Shitty Rappers and Their Psycho Granny Fans!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 5, 2016


It is not a rational or at all okay thing that that rapper Jay-Z should be a topic of discussion 3 days before the final referendum on the continued existence of Western civilization.

However, it is a thing which is happening.

Because we don’t live in a rational society.

We live in a society controlled by Jews and run by women, faggots and unevolved primitives.

So this is a thing.

Daily Mail:

Donald Trump mocked Hillary Clinton on Saturday for appearing alongside Jay-Z on a Cleveland, Ohio concert stage after the music superstar dropped F-bombs and rapped with N-word after N-word.

‘I actually like Jay-Z. But you know, the language last night! Ohhh! Ooooh!’ Trump said in Tampa, Florida. ‘Maybe I’ll just try it. Should I use that language? Can you imagine if I said that?’

‘So he used every word in the book,’ the Republican presidential nominee fumed. ‘I won’t even use the initials, because I’d get in trouble. It’ll get me in trouble. He used every word in the book last night.’

‘I tell you what: I’ve never said what he said – in my life!’

The rapper’s repertoire Friday night included his hit ‘F**kWithMeYouKnowIGotIt.’

He also performed a song called ‘Jigga My N***a,’ including a line that declared: ‘[I’m] Jay-Z, motherf***er!’

As he took the stage, a PA announcer blared: ‘You’re tuned into the motherf**king greatest!’

One portion of his rap included the lyrics: ‘If you feelin’ like a pimp n***a, go and brush your shoulders off.’

‘Ladies is pimps too, go and brush your shoulders off. N***a is crazy, baby, don’t forget that boy told you. Get that dirt off your shoulders.’

After telling the audience that ‘we’re stronger together,’ echoing Clinton’s campaign slogan, he called her presidential bid ‘historic – this is a moment in time.

Then minutes later he shifted gears and rapped, ‘I don’t f**k with you. You little stupid-a** b***h, I ain’t f**kin’ with you.’

Jay-Z said onstage after he was done performing: ‘Ohio, we are on the doorstep of history. I am here tonight because respect matters. Respect matters to me.’

Trump also mocked Clinton on Saturday morning for drawing a smaller crowd than his own on Friday night, despite having both Jay-Z and his wife Beyoncé at her side.

The trio attracted 10,000 people – many of whom filed out after the concert and before the Democratic nominee took the stage.

‘We don’t need Jay-Z to fill up arenas. We do it the old-fashioned way, folks,’ Trump said. ‘We fill it up because you love what we’re saying and you want to make America great again.’

As Clinton was trying to rally Ohioans with star power, Trump attracted a larger crowd on his own in Hershey, Pennsylvania.


Larger crowd without Jay-Z.

But why is this old granny appearing with Jay-Z?

lol @ “Trump is unevoled.”

Says an actual talking gorilla.


Is this very weird?

It seems to me that this is unprecedented weirdness. I would not want my grandmother listening to Jay-Z at all, let alone appearing on stage with him.


I mean, Gucci Mane maybe. Because he’s actually a good rapper.

Jay-Z is probably the most overrated performer of any genre in history.

But Gramma Clinton is too scared to appear on stage with the fer rill niggas like Gucci and Rick Ross.


Anyway, whichever type of rap niggers Hillary is hanging out with – I don’t care. Who cares?

Trump keeps it family friendly LIKE A BOSS.


By the way – best sign at the Trump rally today.


No one is talking about Hillary’s war policies, the fact that she openly wants to start a war with Russia to protect ISIS in Syria and Jewish Nazis in The Ukraine.

Speaking of shit-tier celebrities – here’s a weird Trump endorsement.

I ain’t even gonna comment on that one. If you don’t know who that man with the beard is, count yourself lucky and don’t look his speeches up on YouTube.

TYT keeps going to Trump rallies and acting like these people are stupid. I watch these videos and every time I’m like “wow – MY PEOPLE RISE!”

While Hillary is hanging out with fake gangsta gangsta niggas (because all of the real niggas like Gucci, Birdman, Rick Ross, etc. support TRUMP), Trump supporters on the streets are getting attacked by gangsters.

Today, Hillary was with niggas from Haiti (I guess they can vote, smdh) – as well as Tray-Tray’s fat mama again – and went into another coughing fit.

Whether she wins or loses, she’s going to be dead inside a year.

And speaking of THE BLACKS – Trump has three times the support Romney had in 2012 from this particular community.

Harper Polling:


I mean, they keep saying “RACIST RACIST RACIST,” but the only thing Donald Trump has said about Blacks is that he wants LAW AND ORDER. He isn’t even going to cut their gibs (personally, I agree that it would be pointless to cut their gibs – it’s a small cost overall, and we need to work to send them back to Africa, not just agitate them for no good reason).

The Blacks pretty much universally agree with stopping immigration, because honestly, they’re more affected by it than we are (nb4 white knighting for Blacks – I’m just stating a fact, fam).

I’m honestly surprised it isn’t higher. They might vote higher.

Anyway – the dirty rat bastard Romney only got 6% in 2012.


And this filthy scumbag actually attacked Trump for being a racist.

Here are a series of Tuesday scenarios. I believe all of the “close call” scenarios.

But I don’t really think it’s going to be a close

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Bottom line, fam: 3 days out, and we’re 5.4 points up nationally.


We’re tied in all the major swing states.

And these polls are all rigged by up to 14 points.

The other bottom line:






Hail Victory.