Day 6: Rape Protester Sonic Meltdown Extravaganza

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 2, 2016


Hillary just lost her mind on a “Bill Clinton is a rapist” protester.

wew lads.

Everyone is in meltdown mode.


There have been few political meltdowns such as the ones being seen in real time now, thanks to Democrat Hillary Clinton’s woes with the FBI.

There’s James Carville turning into an exploding pumpkin on CNN on Monday. There’s Harry Reid threatening the FBI director with a violation of the 1939 Hatch Act.

And there’s the new Red Scare — the suggestion that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is a Manchurian candidate, a tool of the Russian KGB. That silly charge is back and bigger than ever. In their frenzy to tar Trump as somehow tied to Russian President Vladimir Putin, media big shots are not even watching their own reports.

On Tuesday morning, CBS News morning host Gayle King asked why the FBI wasn’t looking at Trump’s alleged ties to Russia. Just minutes earlier, CBS News reporter Norah O’Donnell cited a New York Times article stating there were no Trump ties to Russia, per the FBI.

Slate also got burned by, of all outlets, The Times. The left-wing digital outlet reported, breathlessly, that Trump’s servers had been communicating with a Russian bank. Then The Times story came out debunking the claim as nonsense.

And there’s Geraldo Rivera, the old Clinton hatchet man from the 1990s. The commentator went ballistic on Monday and Tuesday when he suggested Clinton’s email scandal was dumb and harmless. He called the Clinton email issue a “GOP plot.”

Reid sent the first command to attack President Obama’s FBI director on Sunday. The Democratic Senate minority leader accused FBI Director James Comey of violating the 1939 Hatch Act, a law against government officials using their position or government resources for campaign purposes, for daring to mention a Democratic candidate within two weeks of an election.

The meltdowns are a good sign that Trump is closing in on the target. Democrats know voters generally do not like to vote for candidates under current criminal investigation.

The “NeverTrump” faction of the GOP is also in full panic mode as the Republican nominee increasingly looks likely to win or lose in a tight contest — leaving them out in the wind.

The Weekly Standard, a chief proponent of NeverTrump elitism, is now in the third stage of grief: bargaining. It tweeted out a link to a story calling on Trump to pledge to serve one term.

And there is Ohio Gov. John Kasich who made a point of telling the media that he officially broke his pledge to support his party’s presidential nominee. He instead wrote in Arizona Sen. John McCain on his ballot. Top Kasich aide John Weaver was a staffer on McCain’s failed 2000 bid.

CNN then reported the Kasich story — and used three reporters to do so.

The election is in one week, so the panic is unlikely to subside. Expect the next stage to begin soon: the throwing of the kitchen sink.

Yeah, Hillary herself is going to do something completely insane when she is forced to accept she’s lost.

She may well go full Allah Akbar.

Wikileaks just showed Clinton colluding with the State Department.


A State Department official appeared to coordinate with Hillary Clinton’s nascent presidential campaign hours before the former secretary of state’s exclusive use of private emails was first detailed in a news account last year, newly released hacked emails show.

Emails from the files of Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta show that the department official provided Clinton aides with the agency’s official response to a New York Times reporter in advance of the newspaper’s March 2015 report that Clinton had used a private email account to conduct all of her work-related business as secretary.

The stolen emails were released Wednesday by WikiLeaks, part of a massive trove of emails released by the document-leaking group on a daily basis since last month. WikiLeaks has indicated it intends to leak emails stolen from Podesta’s account every day through the election.

In a March 1, 2015 email, State Department press aide Lauren Hickey told Clinton’s spokesman Nick Merrill and two other advisers that then-State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki had “just cleared” a reply to the Times. Hickey provided the agency’s response to the Clinton aides and also appeared to agree to a change requested by the campaign, saying: “Yes on your point re records – done below.” It is not clear what specific change was requested and made.

State Department spokesman John Kirby said Wednesday that the department would not comment on alleged leaked documents. But he said the department’s effort to “provide accurate information to the media” about Clinton’s tenure at the agency has “at times required communicating with her representatives to ensure accuracy.”

The Clinton campaign has repeatedly warned that WikiLeaks has exploited emails stolen by hackers who may be working for the Russian government.

Zero Hedge has a good piece up about other emails regarding State Department collusion.

The examination of the emails began yesterday.


Free Beacon:

Documents made public from the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private server provide clues about the current review of more than half a million emails linked to Clinton presidential campaign vice chair Huma Abedin.

Abedin was questioned by FBI agents and Justice Department officials, including those involved with counterintelligence matters, on April 5.

During those discussions, Abedin revealed that she used four different email accounts while she was deputy chief of staff for operations in Clinton’s seventh floor office at the State Department.

The email accounts included her official State Department account,, the private server account,, and her private email, Abedin’s fourth email account was associated with the campaign activities of her estranged husband, former Democratic congressman Anthony Weiner.

The FBI reopened its Clinton email investigation after agents recovered a laptop computer from Wiener that reportedly contains some 650,000 emails now being reviewed by FBI agents. Weiner’s laptop was obtained during an investigation into allegations the former congressman exchanged illicit messages with a 15-year-old girl.

The FBI began reviewing the emails after receiving a search warrant on Monday.

I wish they would just come out and announce something this week. Maybe they will.

The chief monkey himself is now attacking the FBI.


No idea why this seems like a good idea.

But I guess just try anything.

New York Times:

President Obama sharply criticized the decision by his F.B.I. director to alert Congress on Friday about the discovery of new emails related to the Hillary Clinton server case, implying that it violated investigative guidelines and trafficked in innuendo.

“We don’t operate on incomplete information,” Mr. Obama said in an interview with NowThis News, broadcast Wednesday. “We don’t operate on leaks. We operate based on concrete decisions that are made.”

“When this was investigated thoroughly the last time, the conclusion of the F.B.I., the conclusion of the Justice Department, the conclusion of repeated congressional investigations was that she had made some mistakes but that there wasn’t anything there that was prosecutable,” Mr. Obama said.

The president did not mention the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, but it was clear Mr. Obama was referring to him.

Declaring that he had “made a very deliberate effort to make sure that I don’t look like I’m meddling in what are supposed to be independent processes for making these assessments,” Mr. Obama nonetheless expressed confidence in Mrs. Clinton.

“I trust her,’’ he said. “I know her. And I wouldn’t be supporting her if I didn’t have absolute confidence in her integrity and her interest in making sure that young people have a better future.’’

White House officials later downplayed Mr. Obama’s remarks about the F.B.I. and insisted he had not meant to criticize Mr. Comey.

Wow, his people gotta come out and denounce a chimp-out.


Because he knows – just as we know – that Trump can undo all of his work. It won’t be easy, but at this point it is still technically possible.

We can make it as though he was never born.

Hillary would complete his work. Fulfill his agenda.

He is losing as big as her.

And he may well also end up in prison.

Honestly, I would rather he just be deported to Kenya. Just for the symbolic value of the gesture.


To top this all off: Trump is closing the gender gap.


Weeks of wall-to-wall media coverage of Donald Trump’s crude language and alleged misdeeds involving women don’t seem to have hurt his standing among female voters, the IBD/TIPP presidential tracking poll shows.

That’s not to say there isn’t a gender gap — there’s still a big one. But Trump’s support among women has improved 5 points in the past three days in the wake of the FBI’s stunning announcement that it is looking into a fresh batch of emails relating to Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of state.

As of Tuesday, 39% of women said they’re backing Trump, compared with 34% who supported Trump in Saturday’s tracking poll.

And as result, the thrice-married, acid-tongued Trump is doing just as well among women as squeaky-clean Mitt Romney was doing at this point in the Oct. 28, 2012, IBD/TIPP tracking poll, when Romney also got 39% of the female vote.

The reason Trump’s popularity is increasing with single women

They believe that if he is President, it is more likely that they will encounter him and that he will grab them by the pussy.


It’s a beautiful time to be alive.

The course of history is changing, right before our eyes.

It’s all finally happening.

Hail Victory.