DC: Jerk-Offs Want to Let 16-Year-Olds Vote

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 16, 2018

Yeah, might as well.

Vice News:

Washington, D.C. could become the first jurisdiction in the country to allow 16-year-olds to vote in federal elections, including the presidential election, if a bill before the city council is enacted.

The legislation was introduced Tuesday by Council Member Charles Allen, a Democrat who believes young voters are unfairly taxed without representation since many high school students work and are otherwise treated as adults. He also believes allowing 16-year-olds to vote — sophomores and juniors in high school — will encourage them to be more active in political causes they believe in.

“By enfranchising 16- and 17-year-olds, we can bring our young people directly into the political process, lift their voices, and, hopefully, create engaged, lifelong voters,” he said.

Using the modern paradigm of the social order, it is pretty much impossible to explain why 16-year-olds shouldn’t be able to vote. Are they really less informed than black people?

As soon as you go full universal suffrage, where there is no barrier to entry at all, the last remaining barrier – age – becomes silly seeming.

We might as well also allow babies to vote. And dogs. Why would you not allow a dog to vote? Use the modern moral order to explain why a dog should be barred from voting.

You can’t do it.

You can’t even explain why a dog isn’t a person.