Dead Bitch in Salt Lake was a Literal Whore Having Sex for Money

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 28, 2019

UPDATE: Murderer arrested and you’ll never guess his race!

Turns out that dead bitch in Salt Lake City is an actual whore, like something out of Daily Stormer satire.

The fact is, almost all white women are like something out of Daily Stormer satire, just like almost all Jews are something out of Daily Stormer satire. I don’t really even think what I do here can be called satire. I’m basically just painting a realistic picture of reality.

Daily Mail:

Missing University of Utah nursing student Mackenzie Lueck is a ‘sugar baby’ who sought out men over the age of 35 online, can reveal.

Lueck, 23, disappeared on June 17 after landing in Salt Lake City, Utah, and taking a Lyft ride to meet a mysterious man in a park around 2am.

The college senior’s social media accounts reveal that she considered herself a sugar baby, and boasted about having at least two unidentified sugar daddies which she found through online sites Seeking Arrangement and Tinder. obtained screenshots of Lueck’s posts made nearly three months ago in a private Facebook group where Lueck gave advice on how she finds sugar daddies – wealthy older men who lavish younger women with gifts and money in return for company or sexual favors.

Cool, cool. 

‘Try tinder and be blunt about it. Mine says ”I want a SD/SB relationship with a real connection.” If [they] don’t know what a SD/SB is, tell them bluntly sugar daddy and sugar baby. But if they don’t know, they aren’t really worth your time,’ Lueck’s comment reads.

‘Set your age preferences from 35+. You’ll have the most luck there. Private message me, if you have more questions! I have experience.’

Man, I’m gonna be 35 in a few months, and I can’t imagine having sex with a fat 23-year-old for money.

That could easily be the ass of an elderly Asian man. Although an elderly Asian man wouldn’t have gloops of fat on his sides like that. Imagine literally having sex for money as a profession and not making the time to go to the gym twice a week. 

Especially not the same one over and over again.

What is going on with men these days? How low have we sunk? 

In another message Lueck revealed she has two sugar daddies and which sites she uses to obtain them.

‘I have some experience on seeking arrangements, online only, tinder, and currently have two lol.’

Aside from her personal Instagram, Lueck also operates an alias account under the name @NovaBaby96, with a profile photo that shows a woman in panties that read ‘Daddy’ on the back.

This comes after Lueck’s friends came forward to police to say she was casually dating several people and was interested in older men. Authorities didn’t specify if they’ve spoken with anyone she was dating.

On Tuesday, Salt Lake City police shared images of her at the airport retrieving her luggage, which showed Lueck with her hair in a bun wearing a white hooded sweater, black pants and sandals.

She carried a large blue handbag with her, a small black backpack and a wheeled brown suitcase.

During a police update press conference on Tuesday, Assistant Police Chief Tim Doubt said they’re looking into her social media and dating profiles.

‘In regards to her online activity, we are aware of this aspect and continue to look into all facets of her life for leads into her disappearance,’ Doubt said.

The internet has determined that I am probably right in my assertion that it was a black guy, and that he tied her to a mattress and set it on fire. I won’t post the details of such rumors until we have more information, but that’s what the internet is saying.

This is all really hilarious, and I’m glad this stupid bitch is dead.

However, they’re becoming a serious problem, these whores. How are we supposed to have a society when women act like this?

The media is covering up the fact that she was a whore. Very few outlets are reporting on these facts.

Googling “Mackenzie Lueck”: three top stories, three top videos, no mention of her being an actual whore. 

But even if they were, it wouldn’t stop women from engaging in this behavior. The only thing that could stop these women is making this behavior shameful.

That is the only thing that women respond to: social shame.

This is why they’ve normalized sluttery, and came up with the concept of “slut shaming.” That allows a slut to continue being a slut without feeling social shame.

RELATED: Slut Says: “I’ve Had Sex with Well Over 100 Men, But That Does Not Define Me as a Slut”

The Utah Domestic Violence Coalition released a statement yesterday accusing people of “victim blaming” for saying that Mackenzie Lueck being a whore might have had something to do with her death.

Imagine a person who smokes their whole life getting lung cancer and someone saying that bringing up the fact that smoking was probably related to the cancer was “victim blaming.”

Actions have consequences. This is the reality. But you’re not allowed to say that about the sexual behavior of women.

I would think that everyone on earth is aware of the fact that being a prostitute is risky business, and a person who goes hard into that lifestyle is living on the edge.

But apparently they don’t know this anymore – or claim not to know this anymore – which is why they write internet essays like this:

The Jews who dominate our society have systematically removed all shame from slutting/whoring.

Women still do feel shame when you call them fat though. Because they know that can never be considered acceptable.

The white woman is immunized against all dangers: one may call her a slut, whore, bitch, cunt, it all runs off her like water off a raincoat. But call her fat and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

But they’re eventually going to put fat women on the same level as trannies – where even though everyone is fundamentally repulsed by them, they can’t say anything or their life is destroyed.

The Jew does not create degeneracy.

He simply emboldens it.

He encourages humans to embrace their very worst instincts.