Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 4, 2014

Dead Sunday night was the degenerate actor, Philip Seymore Hoffman. Found he was by a Jew “friend,” David Bar Katz.
The Academy Award-winning actor died of a heroin overdose, and was said to have suffered from chronic loneliness. Hanging out with Jews, no wonder he felt lonely – they do not have the capacity to feel human feelings for non-Jews, and thus will only look to take whatever they can from you.
I have never seen any of his movies. Because I am not a homosexual, I tend to only watch movies staring Charles Bronson.

Anyway, Hoffman appears to be a homosexual, but Wikipedia says he has three children.

David Bar Katz, a playwright, screenwriter and director, who has written an award-winning play about Superman having something to do with the alleged Jewish Holocaust, is the son of the pervert Jew Harry Jay Katz, who is famous for discovering a dead woman in his own hot tub. He is also known for trying to meet young sluts on Craigslist.

Here is a blog post from a loose woman he tricked:
This is a warning to all women out there from a girl who’s been through it: There is a “craigslist creep” looking for a “sugar baby.” His name is Harry Jay Katz, he’s in his early 70’s, and he’s a powerful, dangerous man. He posts often, and uses phrases such as “24/7 ATM machine,” “models get paid, WHY NOT YOU?” “I love beautiful women.” and “paid arm candy.” He tells you that you don’t need to have sex with him, and writes in distinctive verse, like this:
BE MY HOLIDAY SUGAR BABY-philadelphia (pic) (his titles are always or usually in caps-lock, he never includes his age (for obvious reasons) and there’s always or usually a picture)
He’ll write something like this, with a sentence on each line.
He’ll make you feel safe, and as though your worries are over.
In fact, you’ll start to trust him-
But then he’ll demand things from you that weren’t part of the original deal,
Treat you like a prostitute, and NEVER PAY YOU unless you have sex with him-
And even then, there’s a chance he won’t.He is a disgusting, dirty, sick old man in the Philadelphia area who is looking to use women as young as 16, who need help. He cons them into feeling safe, even offering them “legitimate” jobs at his publishing company (that never happen), then takes advantage of them. When it becomes too much and you want out, he threatens to send the dirty e-mails and pictures to your family, friends, university, work- anywhere he can. He threatens and intimidates you. He says that you’re the disgusting one, you’re to blame, and what you did is prostitution- none of which are true. He has done this before to countless women (myself included), and will do it again. You will feel dirty, and degraded. Just google his name, HARRY JAY KATZ, and you’ll find out all you need to know to run far and fast away from him. Don’t let him hurt you as he hurt me. He will not help you- he will use you and throw you away like the trash he thinks you are. Be careful.
If you have had an experience with this man, or someone like him, please feel free to contact me, as I’m currently looking into filing a sexual harassment suit against him to at the very least ensure that he goes to jail, so that he can never hurt another young girl.
The son who found Hoffman is also a pervert.
On top of pretentious Holocaust gibberish, he wrote the following degenerate (and otherwise horrible) 1990s movies:
I do not know the details of Hoffman’s relationship to this Jew, nor do I care, but the fact that he was close enough to him to discover his corpse shows there was a tightness, likely with the Jew leeching off of his fame. You can never be friends with a Jew, never trust them not to make money off of your dead body.

Whenever there are Jews anywhere – as there always are around Hollywood folk – there is filth, decay and death.