Dead Spic Boy the Top News Story in America

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 26, 2018

Christmas is over, kids.

Peace on earth time is over.

Time to go back to blaming white men for all bad things which happen on earth.

Note that not one of those headlines mentions that he died of a disease that he had before he entered the country. The implication is that he died because of something something something white supremacy.

The news is not about facts, it is about spreading emotionally-charged soundbytes for white women to whine about.

For them to demand that white men suffer and be destroyed.

If you start looking at the news as engineering of society in these terms, it makes a lot, lot, lot more sense. Everything can be reduced to some emotionally-charged tidbit that is designed to help white women teardown white men. It comes from all types of different angles. But very little of it is targeted at brown people.

Beta male faggots automatically side with women on everything because they have the hormonal makeup of women. They don’t even need to be nagged into submission.

Other men will simply go along with the agenda, because they do not want to deal with the backlash that comes from disagreeing with women in the modern world.

Liberated women are the Trojan Horse driven directly into our homes on the behalf of the Jews.

Each attack they make is like a spear into our flesh, which they are only able to deliver because they’ve made it through our defenses under the guise of innocence.