Deadly Black Boyfriend Accuses Judge of Being a Racist Klansman When He gets Sentenced for Murder

Fox 40
December 4, 2014

Leslie Pinkston was murdered by her Black ex-boyfriend.

The man convicted in the deadly shooting of his ex-girlfriend last year was sentenced to life in prison Monday.

Moments after his sentencing, William Gardner accused Judge Stephen Mock and his own lawyer of being racist.

“Give me a fair and impartial trial,” Gardner said. “The judge is a (expletive) klansman.”

A year after her killing, Leslie Pinkston’s family says they are happy to see justice served.

“It is very emotional. Everything that was said and done nothing will bring her back,” Pinkston’s cousin, Nicole Brakefield, told FOX40.

Pinkston was shot to death in broad daylight Nov. 27, 2013 while sitting in her car in Winters.

William Carl Gardner III accused his lawyer and the judge, of being racists for prosecuting him.

Gardner was eventually arrested in Las Vegas and extradited back to Yolo County. He was convicted Oct. 30.

During his final statement, Gardner accused His public defender, J. Toney, of being a racist.

“May 11th he referred to me as a N*****. I told you about that. You would not let me fire him. I never got a fair and impartial trial,” Gardner said.

Gardner even accused the district attorney and his public defender of conspiring against him.

“He admitted that when you guys are back there in chambers it was unnecessary, so that you guys could go back there and talk,” he said

“I do not have much to say about Mr. Gardner, his behavior has been consistent from the moment he committed the crime, which is just despicable,” Yolo County District Attorney Jeff Reisig said.