Dealing with Pigs: The DNC-CNN Collusion

Daily Stormer
November 7, 2016


Anyone who has had an interest in politics over the years has always known that politicians feed stories, often false, to the press. One of the most infamous examples is Lyndon Johnson, who when running for congress told his campaign manager to spread a rumor to the press that his opponent was a “pig-fucker.”

The campaign manager said “Lyndon, you know he doesn’t do that!”

Johnson replied, “I know. I just want to make him deny it.”

There never was a dirtier politician than LBJ, and the DNC has practiced these techniques ever since, always refining the methods and going lower into the sewer.


Only one man can stop Crooked Hillary, but he needs our help tomorrow!

But now something new is happening. Instead of just making allegations and hoping the press will pick up on them and ask questions like “Your opponent says you’re a pig-fucker, is there any truth to this?” they actually feed questions to their fellow conspirators in the MSM, and then the reporters ask the questions as though they thought of them.

Washington Examiner:

Newly released emails from WikiLeaks suggest that the Democratic National Committee colluded with CNN in devising questions in April to be asked of then-Republican primary candidate Donald Trump in an upcoming interview.

In an email to DNC colleagues on April 25 with the headline “Trump Questions for CNN,” a DNC official with the email username asked for ideas for an interview to be conducted by CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer.

“Wolf Blitzer is interviewing Trump on Tues ahead of his foreign policy address on Wed. … Please send me thoughts by 10:30 AM tomorrow.”

The sender of the email would seem to be DNC Research Director Lauren Dillon, (her twitter @llcdillonwho was identified in previous reports of DNC emails released by WikiLeaks in July.

What we have here is one of the worst examples of the alleged “watchdog media” making a farce of the news – and reality itself – by creating the false illusion that these issues are just “out there,” and need to be addressed by the candidate because the people deserve to know, etc. etc. ad infinitum.


The unbiased media. Gotta love it!

It doesn’t take a psychologist to know that when a journalist asks these questions it gives them a lot more credibility than if they were asked by officials from the opponent’s campaign.

Several hours after the first email was sent, Dillon said in a follow-up email that the interview had been cancelled, “as of now,” but shared a list of questions thought up by the DNC that she said could be used for the next interview.

Some of the questions included: “Who helped you write the foreign policy speech you’re giving tomorrow? Which advisors specifically did you talk to? What advice did they give you? Did they give you any advice that you chose not to take?” Others explored Saudi Arabia’s alleged involvement in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, a pre-preemptive strike against North Korea and court martials for members of the military who didn’t follow orders.

A separate email from Dillon that same day said “CNN is looking for questions” for then-GOP primary candidate Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, and “maybe a couple on” former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina.

So it’s not even a passive thing on Dillon’s part, she is actively requesting the DNC to feed her “gotcha questions” to ask their political opponents.

It’s all so cozy, and so casual, and they would have gotten away for it if it weren’t for the courageous work of Hero Julian Assange!


This machine kills crooked reporting

As a kid growing up during the cold war, I remember everyone making fun of Soviet Russia’s state mouthpiece, Pravda. The joke was generally something like “those poor, stupid Russkys, they can never know the truth because their news is controlled by the commies!”

But who is controlling the West’s mainstream media?

Obviously, the left, or as Lenin called them “idiots to be used.”

Now that we realize this, the only remaining question is: Who are the idiots, and who is being used?