Daily Stormer
May 13, 2015

Between 2001 and 2013, the Benevolent Jew Government (BJG) of America issued green cards to 1,628,854 Moslems.
This is just fantastic.
Why is it fantastic?
Well, if you have to ask, it means you are a racist. Everyone who is not a racist already knows that it is fantastic without even having to think about it. They know of the benefits of this, which are as vast as infinity. They know these benefits so well that they never have to mention any of them.
When one non-racist meets another non-racist, they say “hey, did you hear about the extra million and a half Moslems the government let in to our country? I think that’s just fantastic.” And the other non-racist responds “yes, it really is fantastic. Just think of the ways these Moslems are going to benefit our society.”
Then they both think of the benefits. There is no need to say them aloud, because they both know them, deep in their hearts.
That is why we need even more Moslems in America.
But stupid, inbred racists – and by that I mean heterosexual White males – will never grasp this. They are just too stupid and hateful. And that is why they must be exterminated.