Julian Carmen
Daily Stormer
March 26, 2015

A white movie critic named Jeremy has a YouTube channel called CinemaSins where he points out the plot holes, terrible acting, and general awfulness of Hollywood movies. It’s witty and entertaining to watch, and a reminder of how terrible modern movies have become.
Jeremy has another channel where he makes videos called “Dear Hollywood” that criticizes Hollywood for producing such terrible movies. I’m not sure if Hollywood is ever going to write him back, maybe if they can get some shekels out of it, but I’ll save them the trouble and respond to his letters personally. Spoiler alert: Hollywood sucks because it’s run by Jews, and Jews suck. What does this have to do with White Nationalism? It shows that white people know the product of Jews suck, they just oftentimes don’t realize that the product is created by Jews, and so is it sucks because Jews suck. Here is a list just of Jewish actors in Hollywood. Here is a list of Jewish directors in America. And here is a list of Jewish film studio executives. It’s even a running joke at the Oscars that Jews run Hollywood. So Dear Jeremy, please get with the picture (no pun intended).

So here are my responses to some of his remarks in the Dear Hollywood videos. In a video about movie sequels, he asks why Hollywood is constantly remaking good movies, and goes on to name some, such as Total Recall, Point Break, Mrs. Doubtfire, and I will add to this Robocop. His basic question is, what is with the constant remakes of good movies? The answer is of course because Jews have no creativity, and if something makes them a few bucks one time around, they have no shame in trying to double dip, despite the remakes always being terrible or even if it ruins the memory of the original.
Jews not only run Hollywood, they also run pornography. Pornography is not creative, it is in fact not even meant to be entertainment but rather a weapon to destroy morality. The fact that there are so little new ideas coming out of Hollywood proves that the movie industry is not much more creative than the porn industry.
In another video, Jeremy asks, “Why are comic books the only place to go for a super hero story?” Because Stan Lee, the Steven Spielberg of comics, is a Jew, and Jews promote each other (which makes me fairly confident that Jeremy is not a Jew, since he would have been recruited a long time ago). Again, the simple answer to this question is because Jews are not creative, they have no real culture of their own, which is why they invest so much time in sequels and pornography. When a Jew like Stan Lee or Spielberg show some modicum of talent, they’ll hump it until it’s way past the point of producing anything viewable.
In another video, Jeremy calls out Hollywood for being “click-bait artists” capitalizing on any emotionally viral story such as the Bat-kid story of a young boy suffering from cancer who wanted to become Batman’s side-kick. Jeremy correctly points out that making a fictional movie about a real life event will just cheapen the emotional basis of the real story. This is again, because Jews have no shame and will do anything possible to capitalize on anything the public sees as emotionally over the top. And if you think Hollywood is bad at this, you should see what the Jews do in politics. Capitalizing on emotional drivel is the best way to start a war. Whether it is the story of Saddam throwing babies out of incubators which started the first war in Iraq or using a picture from Iraq in 2003 to claim alleged mass graves of children in Syria or of course the mother of all Jewish sob stories, Jews turned into soap and lampshades by the Nazis. Well, at least bat-kid was something that really happened.

Jeremy asks Hollywood, why not make an original black or female superhero, instead of making a black Captain America or turning Thor into a female? Well again, because Jews lack all creativity, and blacks certainly can’t come up with any good superhero ideas on their own, and women generally don’t get into the whole comic book or superhero mentality. But more than that, it is because Jews push multiculturalism and feminism wherever possible. Jewish Feminism, Jews behind Femen (warning), Jews behind multiculturalism and Jews behind Martin Luther King, Jr.
A black Captain America represents the multicultural dream of the Jews. Not only are they replacing a white hero with a black hero, but they are essentially saying that the ideal of America is now black and not white. A similar thing is done with Thor, originally a God and warrior that represented everything manly and dominant, now turned into a woman. This is not about equality between the sexes, true equality would make more female superheroes alongside male ones, but instead this is about turning America from a male oriented society into a feminist society. It has nothing to do with ticket sales or even popularity. The only thing the Jews value more than money, is propaganda. Meanwhile, multiculturalism is not allowed in the Jewish state of Israel. The fact that Israel is openly called a Jewish state should illustrate the hypocrisy of the Jewish plan.
Femen don’t protest the highly patriarchal and racist basis of Judaism even though Judaism is based on the Old Testament, the same text that is pointed out when criticizing Christian opposition to homosexuality. The Jews call themselves the “chosen race” and have a stricter race based citizenship policy than the Nazis did. Jews are the champions of hypocrisy, this has been documented for over 2000 years as recorded in the New Testament: “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.”

Jeremy then asks Hollywood, if they wanted to reach a higher percentage of black fans, why not make a specifically black character, rather than reusing a white superhero. What Jeremy doesn’t understand is that it’s not about black fans. Jews know who shows up to comic book movies, and it ain’t black people. This will maybe come as a shock, but it’s quite obvious: Hollywood cares more about propaganda than money. Not that blacks would even like a super hero like Captain America, since they are constantly saying how much they hate America. A more fitting black superhero would be called Rapestro or something like that. The whole point of this is to indoctrinate white fans into associating heroism with blackness, and that’s the agenda.

In another video addressing the abundance of sick kids in movies, Jeremy asks why kids always have to be portrayed as having some type of ailment. The image he showed is from The Goonies of the main character who has asthma. The Goonies was directed by Jew Richard Donner, full name Richard Donald Schwartzberg (you see the pattern yet?). Jeremy again correctly points out that having some kid with an ailment is just a cheap ploy to create sympathy, but it also has to do with the mentality of the Jews. Jews are like the reverse of the Spartan eugenics program. Instead of tossing the disfigured babies over a cliff, the Jews put them on the cover of magazines and make abnormalities seem normal. The reason for this may seem perplexing, but it’s not hard to understand when you realize that the Jews view us as the enemy. So the question is, if you could somehow convince the Taliban or ISIS to embrace the beauty of the crippled kid, it certainly would make war with them a whole lot easier, right?

But wait, are all kids in movies portrayed as having some type of health problem? The black girl in the movie Black or White doesn’t have any kind of inhaler or crutches. In fact they make her seem like the perfect little angel in a school uniform. How am I supposed to feel sympathy for her if she doesn’t have an ailment? And what’s with that title, Black or White? “Or”? Would the movie really have been made if the girl was white? The movie title implies that it could be one OR the other, black or white. Who are the Jews trying to kid? Clearly this movie should have been called Black or Bust. Oh and the director of Black or Bust, Mike Binder, is also a Jew, and wrote screen plays for Steven Spielberg and Adam Sandler.

Other examples of kids being perfectly fine and not white include the annoying Chinese kid in Indian Jones and the Temple of Doom, directed by Jew Steven Spielberg, and the innocent Columbian kid in the movie Collateral Damage directed by Jew Andrew Davis. So what, do the Jews just get together and decide to make white kids have all these problems and non-white kids perfect angels? Well, yeah, duh.
In another video, Jeremy asks questions about “focus groups” and why a movie will be almost complete and then some focus group makes them change the ending and ruins the movie. Oftentimes this can be seen in the extras section of the DVD where the alternate ending is better than the chosen ending. Jeremy quips that if the focus groups are so great, why don’t they do all the writing, acting, directing, and producing? Well he’s not far off, because I’m willing to bet that these focus groups are really just a bunch of Jews who decide that a certain ending to a movie isn’t politically correct enough.
This is because Jews are obsessive control freaks. Jeremy also lambasts the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America), and equates the MPAA as being the equivalent of the TSA for movies. The TSA is part of Homeland security, which gave a disgusting 97% of its 2012 defense grant to Jewish groups. Jeremy then calls the MPAA “old white man behavior.” While Chris Dodd, the CEO of MPAA is certainly an ‘old white man’, he is a true friend of the Jews, saying “Israel remains an island of hopefulness in a sea of despair.” Chris Dodd’s father, Thomas J. Dodd, was an executive trial counsel for the sham Nuremberg trials, yet in private Thomas even realized that the over representation of Jews in the Nuremberg trials would lead people to say that World War 2 was a “war for Jews.”
The MPAA is clearly a worthless organization, but it’s not the “old white men” that control Hollywood, it is the obsessive control freaks that are Jewish, and whether a movie has an R or PG-13 rating does not address any of the propaganda that Hollywood pumps out on a daily basis. If a movie exposed the Jews, and even somehow made it past Hollywood executives, which it never would, the MPAA would probably try to ban it under the pretext of stopping anti-Semitism.
Jeremy asks in other videos why 3D movies are always just remakes of old classics, and why books like Harry Potter are turned into endless sequels. Well of course because the Jews want money, but even more so than this they have no creativity so this is what they have to do. If Hollywood really wanted to make money, they would invest in a genuine story with real characters and not just cheap sympathy ploys. Instead, they make endless comic book movies which are all the same, and make popular books like Harry Potter into movies, not just because it is an easy sell, but because the endless yet routine drek they pump out is necessary for the Jews to maintain their control over America. A good movie would be synonymous with truth, which would expose the real horrors of the world. Even if it was based in a fantasy world, the themes and motifs could help to illustrate real societal problems, such as unchecked immigration, wars based on deceptions, and of course the biggie, the Jewish control of America. But we can’t have that, can we?

I will end with a quote by Jeremy, telling Hollywood, “I know you want every F***in dime you can slurp out of every film you produce.” On the surface, this seems perfectly logical, but underneath the surface, and when you uncover the secret behind who controls Hollywood, it must be concluded that maybe money isn’t the main goal, but rather a more sinister type of propaganda that seeks to shape our ideas about what America is supposed to represent and the “heroes” that will take us there.
So, Dear Jeremy: I enjoy your CinemaSins videos, but I must say that you and others like you are part of the problem. By buying into Hollywood, even when you know it is terrible, you help to ensure the Jews keep the propaganda machine rolling. To not know this is perhaps the greatest sin of all.