Dear Stefan Molyneux: Where is Your Argument?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 3, 2018

As I have documented, the entire Alt-Lite has jumped on the train of the developing Iranian revolution, throwing support behind what is obviously a Zionist coup in the country, in the vein the the Arab Spring.

Most of these figures belong to what is called the “Merchant Right” – people who don’t actually have a belief system, strong positions on anything specific, or even the ability to use logic and reason to analyze situations, and are exclusively involved in political activism for money. This would include Paul Joseph Watson, Jack Posobiec, Gavin McInnes and Mike Cernovich.

The odd-man out in the drum circle of war was Stefan Molyneux.

Molyneux has built a career on his use of logic to formulate arguments. Yes, he has refused to go the whole way, but he has nonetheless continually broken down aspects of the mainstream social dogma in a systematic fashion, for the benefit of his listeners.

And, in not going all the way, he made it clear where he was stopping – in particular at the issue of the Jewish role in Western society – and up until this past week, one could certainly argue that the reason he stopped at that point was that he wanted to prevent being kicked off of YouTube, PayPal and every other platform on the internet, while avoiding potential “hate speech” violations in Canada.

Up until this past week, he had never openly attacked people who question Jews, or even said anything to counter us, but just left the question alone. I personally do not have any particular problem with someone who does this, as they are clearly able to reach a much larger audience by remaining within the bounds of “we’ll talk about everything other than the Jews.”

Even if you do take issue with someone who does this, you still have to recognize that there is a clear distinction between someone who shills for Jews and someone who purposefully avoids the issue entirely.

And he did bring people into the Alt-Right by addressing issues that we address, including engaging in a comprehensive breakdown of race realism, along with the nature of women – among many, many other issues.

Furthermore, I found his personal story to be inspiring. He was clearly abused as a child, as he often talks about, and hated his parents. He then formulated a parent-hate ideology around anarch-capitalism, and actually ran a cult based on this.

Here’s a video from 2008 about a mother whose son joined Molyneux’ “Free Domain Radio” cult.

There is also an entire group composed of former members of the cult, which remains active online.

While he never apologized for running a cult, or even talked about the fact that he did that, in watching him from about 2012 onward, I was able to watch him move out of this position as the leader of a bizarre “hate your parents” cult and become a productive individual, contributing in a positive way to society. This was a man in his mid-forties, finally growing up and I found this to be inspiring. He now has a wife and young child, and appears to have completely moved out of the cult business.

Furthermore, watching him use logic to move out of the anarcho-capitalist system that was the basis for his cult was interesting, entertaining and moving.

The phenomenon of a man his age growing like this was something new to me and I felt there was a lot there to draw from.

And I learned a lot from him. Along with great interviews and informational videos on current events, he did entire series on the history of philosophy and various other intellectual topics.

His catchphrase throughout has been “that’s not an argument,” a statement he would make when people called in to challenge him on various positions which he had come to logically.

All of that he has now thrown away in order to shill for a Jewish-backed revolution in Iran.

On December 30th, he posted a video where he cries – literally cries – about the revolution and says that these people must finally have freedom.

He tells a story about when he was a fatherless boy and an Iranian man helped him develop in his adolescence. I get the impression that this entire story was fabricated in order to stand in place of an ARGUMENT.

Remember that he was a stage actor in his younger years.

Whether or not he made the mentor story up is irrelevant, however. What matters is that “oh but this man I knew as a boy” is not an explanation as to why he would support a manufactured Western terrorist revolution in Iran, which is designed to lead either to a war involving Western powers or an internal civil war in the country (which Western powers will get involved in).

It goes without saying that he understands this cycle of hoax revolutions in states opposed to the ruling Western elite.

Here’s a video he did in 2012 on Libya. He also touches on the larger “Arab Spring” phenomenon.

Libya is basically exact model for the current situation in Iran.

He also broke down the situation in the Ukraine in 2014, which is also very similar to the current Iranian situation.

So, he most certainly knows what is going on in Iran.

But he is openly lying about that, and expecting that his audience will not notice.

When his audience did notice, he posted the following Tweet.

So his “argument” is that the proof this is not a Western-backed coup against a government opposed to the West and Israel is that if it was, the MSM would be reporting on it more.

That, from a man who built his entire career on logical arguments, is a truly shocking statement.

That would not be an argument even if it was true, and it obviously isn’t true. It has been at the top of every news website and on TV since it began last Thursday. Furthermore, the entire establishment has come out in support of it, from Hillary Clinton and John McCain to Bernie Sanders.

His friend Mike Cernovich went so far as to thank Hillary Clinton for her support.

He has dug in further trying to explain this after a revolt among his audience, saying that yes, the entire establishment is supporting this because they want a war, but he’s supporting it for a TOTALLY DIFFERENT reason.

Yet his explanation of “if it was a Western coup plot designed to destroy an enemy of the Western establishment it would be in the media more” was the exact line of reasoning used by the Merchant Right.

This was clearly a go-to line that someone told them to spew. People don’t simultaneously come up with the idea of “yeah it’s on every new station nonstop but the media isn’t talking about it.”

I don’t know what happened to get this guy to decide to sacrifice his entire body of work to shill for a fake coup, but he was sucked into this Merchant Right movement.

Is it just for money? Do people sellout for money? I don’t know. I can’t imagine doing it. Not because I’m going to say “oh I’m such a noble person I would never do something selfish,” but because to me, leaving a legacy of having done something important is a much bigger thing than money. Also, being respected by my peers in the here and now is much more important than money. And I mean being respected by people that I respect, not having random fans (which I assume Molyneux will still have).

So unless Molyneux is starving – and he most certainly is not – then selling out for money makes no sense at all to me.

Sure, Watson, McInnes, Posobiec and Cernovich are in it for the money, but again, these are not capable individuals. None of them has ever produced anything of value. They started this as a job and they are continuing to do a job. That is completely different than a person who has created things of value selling out himself.

Molyneux has as of late gotten closer to the Merchant Right, producing a film with Mike Cernovich.

He will be appearing at an event with Cernovich and McInnes later this month.

Note the apparent gay model images flanking them – no idea what that is about, but it is certainly weird.

Molyneux must be doing it for money. That is the only immediate explanation.

What does that mean?

Well, maybe it means that he was bothered by the fact that he never could go all the way, never could name the Jew because he did not have the nerve, and so became jaded and gave up on himself.

I do not know.

But it’s a sad, sad thing to see. I can tell you that. A little bit like watching a pretty teenage girl become a meth-addicted prostitute, except it’s worse because a pretty teenage girl never actually did anything of value or created anything.

It’s a real shame.