Death to Videodrome: James Woods Quits Twitter After Banning of Leading Republican Commenter Paul Town

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 19, 2016

Actor James Woods has quit Twitter following the banning of leading Republican commenter Paul Town, as well as some other people I’ve never heard of who are associated with something called “the Alt-Right,” which I understand is a sub-genre of lesbian folk music.


Woods is famous for having starred in the second best film of the only Jew who I don’t totally hate virulently: David Cronenberg’s Videodrome.

The reason I don’t hate David Cronenberg is not that his material isn’t Jewish. His material is totally Jewish. But it actually makes an attempt to reflect on the Jew soul.

Conversely, the reason I don’t hate Paul Town is that he genuinely reflects on the Republican soul.

Paul has a new twitter, @retro10s__, where he is pretending to be a black person as part of the Republican agenda to bring down Twitter. But now that will probably also get banned because it was linked on the Daily Stormer, the world’s #1 most SPLC/ADL-tracked Republican website.

Anyway, he’s basically screwing up the troll by retweeting other fake nigger accounts, so I’m going to be glad when he’s banned so we can tighten up this operation.

Real good cover, Paul. Retweeting fake nigger accounts with a fake nigger account so the whole house of cards comes crashing down as soon as one is identified.

Anyway, you can check his website,, which is a really great website.