Defending Christ’s Image in Man

Cambria Will Not Yield
July 11, 2015


I believe in, and honour, all those time-hallowed values and factors which have led us to greatness in the past, and which if retained will guarantee the greatness of our posterity. For unless we maintain the highest standards of which we are capable we shall not survive except as the slaves of others, which in the long run would mean that we would not survive at all.
Thus I am indeed biased and prejudiced. I am indeed a ‘racist’ and in fundamental matters an extremist.  –  Anthony Jacob

Donald Trump reminds me of Vladimir Putin; he is not a Christian warrior, but at least he is a Roman pagan. His statement that he was sick of illegal Mexican aliens coming into our country and committing crimes was really quite a mild and justified protest. The reaction to Trump’s remark was quite telling. Jeb Bush, brother of Georgie Porgie, who ran under the threat, “If you think this country’s bad off now, just wait till I get through with it,” quickly condemned Trump, in Spanish no less. And the Hindu from Louisiana, Tiptoe-through-the-Tulips Jindal, also condemned Trump, as did the entire anti-white media and various Aztec organizations scattered throughout multicultural America.

Of course all the hysteria, feigned and real, over Trump’s remark was quite predictable, but let’s look at it closely. Why would anyone object to stopping illegal Mexican immigrants from coming into the United States? Time and time again we hear of white people being murdered by Mexicans who have been sent back over the border for crimes committed on American soil and then return and kept returning until they kill a white American. Once is too much, but the sons of Montezuma kill whites as wanton boys kill flies. So again, what does this tell us about the people who think Trump’s statement was “outrageous”? It tells us that those people want whites to be exterminated by whatever means possible. Isn’t the slaughter of whites by homegrown negroes enough? Must we invite Aztecs in to help the negroes? “Yes,” the liberals tell us, “we must.”

Let’s play pretend. If the United States was a real nation, consisting of white Christians, we would declare war on Mexico and treat the invading army of Mexicans as all invading armies should be treated. We would repel the invasion by whatever means necessary. Nor would we permit fifth-column Mexicans to remain in our nation. A sane Christian policy of self-defense, the defense of our own people, would infuriate devout anti-Christian, anti-white zealots such as Pope Francis, who wants the United States and the people of Italy to have no borders while he reserves the right to demand border control in Argentina, but a Christian Goth should expect fierce opposition from liberal jackals such as Pope Francis.

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It was the belief of our European ancestors that a man didn’t leave the pagan virtues behind when he became a Christian. The pagan loved his own, the people of his own hearth and his own race, and the Christian also loved his kith and kin, but with a greater intensity than the pagan, because now the European’s love was connected to the God-Man. That they loved their people became the mark of the Christian Europeans. The new mark of the modern Europeans is that they hate their own kind with a passionate intensity and love the murderous colored stranger, because he hates what the modern Europeans hate – the white race.

The terrible, terrible aspect of every white confrontation with Aztecs, blacks, Asians, and red Indians is that white people are always on the defensive, always on their knees pleading to be released from the charge of racism. But what does this charge of racism mean? And why are the colored races never guilty of racism? The charge of racism amounts to this: White people once considered themselves the Christ-bearing people. They built Christian civilizations in Europe and even took the cross of Christ to the colored lands and built Christian civilizations in heathendom. The colored heathens rejected the light, but they were forced to comply with many of the ethical demands of the white man’s religion, because the white man was stronger than the colored heathen. Then the reptilian creatures of darkness emerged – the liberals. The liberals joined with the colored heathen to destroy the white race. Thus far only the liberals and the colored heathens are fighting in this war of evil against the good, which is the reason it is more of a slaughter than a war.


The Confederate flag “controversy” is a classic case in point of white capitulation. The defenders of the flag say, “We are not racist; the flag is part of our heritage.” But that is not a defense. If your heritage is evil, you have no right to your heritage, and the liberals insist that the white Southerners’ heritage is evil, because it is ‘racist’. And it is racist! The flag represents the white, Christian European at his best, fighting for white, Christian civilization:

This other thing for which we fought was the supremacy of the white man’s civilization in the country which he proudly claimed his own; “in the land which the Lord his God had given him;” founded upon the white man’s code of ethics, in sympathy with the white man’s traditions and ideals. Our forefathers of the forties and fifties and sixties believed that if slavery were abolished, unless the black race were deported from the American States, there would result in the Southern States just such a condition of things as had resulted in San Domingo, in the other West Indies Islands, and in the so-called republics of Central and South America – namely, a hybridization of races, a lowering of the ethical standard, and a degradation, if not loss, of civilization. . . . Slavery is lost, and it is certainly well for us and the public –perhaps for the negro – that it has been lost. But the real cause for which our ancestors fought back of slavery, and deemed by them to be bound up in the maintenance of slavery – to wit, the supremacy of the white man’s civilization, the supremacy of the ethical culture, which had been gradually built up through countless generations – has not been lost.

John Sharp Williams

Now it has been lost. And begging the enemy to stop calling you racist is no way to regain that which is lost. The Europeans are guilty before God of every sin under the sun, except the one sin they are accused of, racism. Is it racist to bring charity and mercy to colored heathens who never even had a name for charity and mercy? Is it racist to subdue the colored heathen and defend your own people, and the weaker element among the colored heathen, against the onslaught of the merciless, colored savages? Yes, it is racist, if racist means placing that charity-of-honor culture of the white man above and against the savagery of colored heathendom and the darkness of Liberaldom. Now that white Christian ‘racists’ no longer rule the world, is it a better place for whites? Is it a better place for the colored heathen? We are told by all the powers that be in church and state that this modern Babylon is a better world than Christian Europe. But there is a huge lie at the center of the liberals’ apologia pro Babylon: “Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.” The antique Europeans, for all their sins, which we do not deny, knew His name, and the modern Babylonians and their colored demigods do not know His name. From whence comes deliverance from evil if we do not know Him? It does not come, which is why evil reigns supreme in the countries that once constituted Christian Europe.

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In the state of Oregon, an Evangelical Christian couple who owned a small bakery were fined $135,000 by a federal judge for refusing to cater a lesbian wedding. There are plenty of other bakeries that would cater such a wedding, but the lesbians chose that particular bakery because it is not enough that Satan is triumphant; we are all required to celebrate his triumph. The sodomites, the Mexicans, the negroes, and all the colored people of the world are welcome at the liberals’ white-hating festival. And white Christians must attend; they must celebrate their own demise and watch the last remnants of Christian Europe be consumed in the liberals’ multicultural bonfire.

Long before the RICO Act went into effect, which made it illegal to protest in front of abortion clinics, I used to protest outside abortuaries. Once when I was attempting to convince a black woman not to abort her baby, she cursed me by calling me a f—ing European. What a perceptive curse! Of course I am a European; to truly live up to the European honor code is all in all. Abortion is legal, Mexicans invade our nation, Moslems invade Europe, the Battle Flag has been removed from the Southern state capitals, homosexuality is celebrated, and the negro has replaced Christ, because the European is afraid to be a European. He acts as if his whiteness is a shameful disease, something he must atone for by divesting himself of his whiteness by betraying his race – through negro worship and the complete and total surrender to every anti-white -ism that comes along.


The new age of liberalism is upon us. It is no longer a time for dialogue. The liberals dialogued when abortion was illegal, when there were still some segregated neighborhoods, and when homosexuals didn’t have the same rights as heterosexuals. Now the liberal perverts and their colored minions no longer dialogue; they attack and destroy. These monsters can only be fought; they cannot be reasoned with or voted away. One thing is needful: Europeans must stop being reasonable, they must stop apologizing for being white. Every evil under the sun has come upon the European people, because we abandoned our European hearth fire for a multicultural theory of liberty, equality, and fraternity. There is no liberty when the negro replaces Christ, there is only a merciless negro-worshipping tyranny. There is no fraternity when the European leaves his white brethren to whore after the colored barbarians. And there is no such thing as equality; some are always more equal. It should be the Christ-bearing people who are more equal, because their reign has that charity of honor at its core while the reign of the techno-barbarian liberals and the colored barbarians has Satan at its core.

The white European has had a reverse Pelagianism thrust upon him. The liberals are without sin because they have renounced whiteness, and the colored barbarians are without sin because they are not white. The white man should never respond to his instincts, the liberals command, because the white man’s instincts are evil. Instinctual whites go into black churches and gun down blacks, that is what instinctual whites do. Liars! Prejudiced white men, the white men whose white Christian instincts were bred-in-the-bone built Christian Europe, and they are the only type of men who can stand athwart the mountain pass and defy the Babylonian armies of Satan.

The Europeans of long ago knelt at the foot of the cross and wept. They wept and they believed. With “By the Cross We Conquer” as their rallying cry they conquered the world for Christ. And now we witness fiendish Satanists such as Pope Francis apologizing for the Europeans of old who carried the cross of Christ to the heathen lands. Such anti-Christians who denigrate our one sure link to Christ, the antique Europeans, are in league with the negro-worshipping liberals, the sodomites, and the colored barbarians. And the one unifying passion in the seemingly disparate group of whore-mongers and barbarians is a hatred for the incarnate Lord Jesus Christ. With every papal denunciation of the Christian Europeans, with every gay wedding, with every negro-worshipping festival, and with every new Aztec murder of whites, the unholy coalition cheers, because they have thrown another spear into Christ’s body. Burke said it best:

The rebels to God perfectly abhor the Author of their being. They hate him “with all their heart, with all their mind, with all their strength.” He never presents himself to their thoughts but to menace and alarm them. They cannot strike the sun out of Heaven, but they are able to raise a smouldering smoke that obscures Him from their own eyes. Not being able to revenge themselves on God, they have a delight in vicariously defacing, degrading, torturing, and tearing in pieces His image in man.

The defacing, degrading, torturing, and tearing in pieces of His image in man will only increase until the Christian Goths return to their ancestral home and cleanse it of Satan’s minions. Should the defense of Christian Europe be left to courageous pagans such as Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump? For shame. It is time for Christian Europeans to rise and ride. +

St James the Moor-Slayer