Definitely a War: Trump Calls CNN Fake News Again

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 13, 2017

Donald Trump has definitely declared open war against CNN.


Donald Trump and CNN have gone head to head, again, after Trump described the network as “fake news CNN” referencing a Friday interview with Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders on the television station.

“While on FAKE NEWS @CNN, Bernie Sanders was cut off for using the term fake news to describe the network. They said technical difficulties!,” Trump tweeted on Sunday.

Sanders spoke to CNN’s Erin Burnett Friday about alleged links between Michael Flynn, Trump’s National Security Advisor, and Russia, as well as Trump’s subsequent reaction, telling reporters he “didn’t know about it.”

When asked what he thought about Trump’s remarks, Sanders joked: “Maybe he’s been watching CNN ‘Fake News,’ what do you think?”

Immediately after making the joke, however, the interview ends as Sanders’ connection with the outlet seemingly breaks down.

CNN didn’t let Trump’s tweet go unanswered, however, with the station’s PR department tweeting the president to say he was “false” as the interview did continue after a commercial break.

“Transcript from @ErinBurnett intvu w @SenSanders. He was not cut off. Those are the facts,” a tweet from CNN’s Communications team read, providing a link to the interview’s transcript. Both CNN hosts Jake Tapper and Brian Stelter pulled Trump on his tweet too, with the latter stating that Trump’s comments were “untrue.”

Posting the transcript is Orwellian and bizarre.

You can just watch the clip and see that his mic cuts out directly after making the “fake news” comment.

At 1:25

They’re apparently claiming his mic didn’t ever cut out – that he’s just a confused old man and thought his mic was cut when it wasn’t. It’s virtually incomprehensible that CNN would say “no, don’t believe that video you watched with your own two eyes – believe this transcript we just wrote up which skips that part.”

In fact, it makes them look guilty as hell.

Seltzer (Jew wife, possible Jew himself) and Jew Tapper point out in response that Bernie was joking.

But that is a non-sequitur. He was clearly joking. Trump did not say he was serious, he just said he used the term and the mic cut out. That is the actual series of events.

So I saw it and just thought it was some funny coincidence, that the mic cut out due to technical difficulties, honestly. But they doth protest too much, methinks.

And how often does a studio mic cut out? I mean, it happens at live coverage events, but when was the last time you saw a mic cut out in a studio connected-interview? Seriously? I can’t remember the last time I saw that happen by accident.

What most likely happened is that a producer has been ordered to cut people’s mics if they say “fake news” and they did it without realizing it was a joke. Again, it could be a coincidence, but that seems like the most likely thing, giving their lying in response to Trump’s remark.