Delaware: Female Catholic School Teacher Sends Nudes to 14-Year-Old Student

Alanis Pinion

Ain’t nobody want those nudes, Alanis.

Ain’t even no 14-year-old boys into those nudes.

New York Post:

A Catholic school teacher from Delaware has been charged with sending sexually explicit photos to a 14-year-old former student, according to police.

Alanis Pinion, a 24-year-old 8th-grade teacher at St. Mary Magdalen School in Wilmington, was arrested Thursday by the New Castle County Police.

Detectives discovered that Pinion frequently communicated with her students over Snapchat — and sent sexually explicit photos to one of them.

In a matter of a few years, every woman is going to be in prison for sexual interactions with “minors” that they documented on digital platforms.

If these bitches were just like “hey kid, meet me after class for a blowjob,” everything would be fine.

But these whores want digital records of everything, so they can… go to prison?

Seriously, how stupid are women?

I think a clever dog would be able to figure this out, for sure.

Elvis Dunderhoff contributed to this article.