Daily Slave
July 20, 2015

The Confederate flag should be used as a symbol of White resistance in America. It should be flown everywhere around the country. North, South, West, East.
I’m planning to buy a bunch myself alongside some NSDAP flags. I bet the combination of the NSDAP flag and the Confederate flag would make a Jew cry sixty trillion tears of pain.
When the controversy over the Confederate flag erupted last month, the owner of a Huntsville flag company said her business would make the flags even if no one else would.
And that’s apparently what’s happened.
“I’m not aware of another company in the United States making these flags,” said Belinda Kennedy, owner of Alabama Flag & Banner, in an interview Thursday with AL.com.
So now you know why the website for the Governors Drive business near downtown Huntsville cautions visitors that all Confederate flag orders will take two to three weeks to be filled.
“We are getting absolutely swamped,” Kennedy said. “It’s let up a little but what we’re finding is that people are still wanting the really pretty sewn, the ones that are more like a piece of art with the sewn stripes and the applique stars. Those are really labor intensive and it takes a long time. We’re still being flooded with orders for those. We’re getting tons of overseas orders. We’re going as fast as we can.”