Democrat Terrorists Demand Trump’s Translator be Dragged in for Questioning!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 20, 2018

This isn’t really surprising from the “open borders NOW, abolish ICE” party, is it?

Or it shouldn’t be.

But I’ll admit, I wouldn’t ever have thought of this.

That’s Ginger O’Droolface there. A guy the open borders/”rape & terror” party is trying to make a main guy.

So this is a serious position they’re trying to present here. That the translator needs to reveal the secrets.

I would have thought that there was some kind of law protecting diplomatic translators. Seriously, I’ve never heard of anything like this.

But yeah, as I said: Melania should have been the translator. Because even without this terrorist demand the translator testify, a translator is always going to be a security liability.

Hopefully, in the meeting coming up this fall, it’s just those three in the room.