Democrats are the Real Homophobes

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 22, 2016


This is totally normal. It’s what the GOP should be fighting for. Don’t think about it too much.

Democrats have for a long time been accusing the GOP of being faggot-haters.

But just like the Democrat party was founded by the KKK, and they are the real racists, Democrats are also the real homophobes.

Because of Moslems.

Raw Story:

Both BuzzFeed and Rolling Stone report that gay Republican group GOProud organized a big party at the RNC this week that brought together not only gay Republicans, both also notorious anti-Muslim blogger Pam Geller and prominent white nationalists Richard Spencer and Peter Brimelow for a big Muslim-bashing hate fest.Also among the guests was far-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders, who told the crowd that only talking about “radical Islam” as the enemy is being too politically correct. Instead, he said we should recognize that all Muslims are our enemies.

“We should acknowledge that Islam is the problem,” he said, per Rolling Stone. “Anywhere in the West, if you allow Islam to be planted on your soil, don’t be afraid that you will harvest sharia law, because Islam and sharia law [are] exactly the same.”

Also on hand was notorious “alt-right” performance artist Milo Yiannopoulos, who said that the Republican Party is the one that’s truly fighting for the rights of gay people, despite the fact that it’s been predominantly Democratic activists and politicians who have pushed causes such as repealing the ban on gay people in the military and legalizing gay marriage.

Spencer gave an interview with The Nation at the LGBT Alt-Right extravaganza.

So: we got the gays on lockdown, and the Jews are coming around (Geller and Milo are both chosen by Yahweh).


Now we just need to figure out how to get women involved in our Nazi movement, and we’ll be golden. As I noted yesterday, I think a good way to get women involved in Nazism would be to have Black male leaders.

The Alt-Right also needs to be thinking about how to appeal to illegal Mexican trannies, furries, bronies, ISIS terrorists, people who have sex with dogs, transsexual communists, ISIS sex slaves, Ted Cruz, MS-13 gang members, Instagram whores, Pakistani Instagram whores, women who travel to Dubai to get shit on by Arabs for money, militant vegans, ravers, the Black Panthers, Black Lives Matter, Black terrorists, Asian porn stars, fat Black women who work at the BMV, Somalian immigrants, non-Whites who live on welfare, heroin users, crack-smoking homeless Blacks, people with Down Syndrome, chronically masturbating psychopaths, anti-racist activists and radical Jewish Marxist university professors.
