Democrats are the Real Transphobes

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 7, 2018

New Hampshire may seem picturesque… but no picture is picturesque without a bunch of trannies. And Sharia Law.

It’s really the Democrats who are holding back progress on trans-liberation.

The GOP is pushing for taxcuts for gender-reassignment surgery, because they truly care about trannies.

The Hill:

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu (R) is expected to sign a bill in the coming weeks that would ban discrimination in the state based on gender identity. 

The New Hampshire Union Leader reported that the Republican-controlled state Senate passed the legislation last week. The bill would make it illegal to discriminate against transgender people in matters of housing, employment and public accommodations.

“These laws are necessary because of the pervasive discrimination that transgender people face at work, at home and in public. I’m not transgender, but 10, 20 years ago, I experienced these discriminations,” said state Sen. Dan Innis (R), who is gay.

The law will go into effect 30 days after Sununu signs it.The public accommodations provision drew some pushback from Republican lawmakers. That part of the law provides protections for transgender people to use the bathroom that corresponds with their gender identity. 

The children which will be abused by this are a small price to pay for finally being able to prove that the Democrats are really the true bigots.

Think of these raped children as a type of blood offering to the god of equality.