Democrats are the Real Transphobes

Shmuley Ben Shekelheim
National Review
May 6, 2019

Homosexual conservative Paul Joseph Watson interviews transgender conservative Blaire White. White left the Democrat Party due to rampant transphobia. 

The Democrats have a deranged obsession with promoting the false idea that conservative Republicans are transphobic, when in fact the precise opposite is true. The actual history of the Democrat Party shows that they have always been involved in transphobia, while the GOP has been on the frontlines of fighting for trans rights, trans acceptance, hormone replacement therapy and gender confirmation surgery.

Furthermore, these transphobic Democrats have blamed conservatives for the high suicide rate of transgender folks. In fact, Democrats are also responsible for this, due to their reliance on big government interference in the transgender medical industry.

The lie that the Republican Party is the party of the transphobe is a grand lie, designed to stigmatize and demonize conservatives and their values and principles.

The history of homosexual prejudice in the Democrat Party is long and strong. During the 2008 presidential election, bigoted homophobes Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton both were virulently opposed to homosexual marriage.

The Democrat Party has a long history of sidelining and oppressing queer folk.

Conservatives argued that who a person decides to marry is none of the government’s business. The conservative position has always been that government should stay out of people’s sex lives and let the market decide whether or not gay marriage is an economically sound policy.

Eventually, after decades of cruel oppression, the homophobic Democrat Party had to capitulate to the conservative push to get government out of the marriage industry, and to allow homosexuals to express their love with whomever they want.

Finally, the trans community began demanding their rights, and the Democrats once again stood in the way of their personal individual choices.

While the left loves to claim that the racist and transphobic Alt-Right movement is a part of the Republican Party, it has been proven that these racists are actually all Democrats. The Democrat left also harbors the radical Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist (TERF) movement, which denies that trans women are actually women. Meghan Murphy, a leader of this bigoted group, was banned from Twitter because her hatred was too much even for the radical leftist transphobes that control the site.

This type of anti-trans bigotry is rampant in the Democrat Party.

Murphy is simply the latest in a long line of transphobic liberal Democrats.

The beginnings of Democrat transphobia go all the way back to the beginning of the trans movement, with liberal Democrat Janice Raymond’s book The Transsexual Empire: The Making of a She-Male having been released in 1979 to the applause of the Democrats. Having already invented slavery and the patriarchy, Democrats were excited to have a new group to oppress with big government policies. Raymond wrote: “All transsexuals rape women’s bodies by reducing the real female form to an artifact, appropriating this body for themselves… Transsexuals merely cut off the most obvious means of invading women, so that they seem non-invasive.”

After the book’s publishing, the Democrats, through the government-funded National Center for Health Care Technology (NCHCT), asked Raymond to write a paper on transgender health. She produced “Technology on the Social and Ethical Aspects of Transsexual Surgery,” which ultimately led to the trans community being denied healthcare by the government.

More recently, Jesse Singal, a liberal Democrat writer for New York Magazine, published a 10,000-word defense of a clinic designed to “convert” trans kids back into cisgender “normal” kids.

This attitude of hatred by the liberal left is devastating to trans women and trans men alike, and has no doubt contributed to their high suicide rate.

But the key cause of transgender misfortune is what you might have guessed: socialism.

The socialist left has convinced trans children that it is good for them to get free hormone replacement therapy and gender confirmation surgery from the government. It is no wonder that so many children receive their estrogen injections and surgeries to remove their penises for free, and then feel empty afterwards.

How can anyone ever truly appreciate something that they didn’t work for?

They can’t.

Socialism always leads to feelings of emptiness.

If the government wasn’t meddling in the transgender medical industry, the prices would be lower, and transgender children could easily pay for their own hormone injections and surgical penis removal by working in Amazon fulfillment centers part time after school. However, the “tax and spend” liberal left insists on outlawing child labor, meddling in the free market and driving up costs while driving down wages.

If a seven-year-old boy realizes that he is trans and needs hormone injections and penis removal surgery, he will get greater fulfillment from his treatments by getting a job scanning barcodes at a fulfillment center and paying for it himself. The trans suicide rates would plummet, and social acceptance of trans folk would increase overnight.

Trans kids could also get jobs dancing at gay nightclubs if it were not for liberal Democrat socialist child labor laws.

Our trans kids have a right to work for their HRT.

In recent times, brilliant intellectuals like Dinesh D’Souza and Candace Owens have exposed the fact that Democrats are the real racists. But it is time to accept the historical fact that Democrats are also the real transphobes. They project their bigotry onto conservatives, even while there is no evidence that the conservative movement has ever done a single thing to try and hinder the liberation of trans folk.