Demographic Jihad: Afghan Woman with Nine Kids Tells Austrian Government to Pay for IVF

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 24, 2016


This woman is 44-years-old.

She has 9 kids.

You think she’s really craving more?

No. Of course not.

She’s doing this for Allah.

These monkeys are absolutely conscious of the fact they are waging demographic warfare against us. They are conscious of it down to some dumb Afghan bitch who lived her whole life in a cave before heeding the Call of Merkel.

Daily Mail:

A migrant couple who have nine children and receive nearly £5,000 a month in benefits want state-funded IVF treatment in Austria.

The couple, whose names are not known, fled Afghanistan for Austria – the man arriving in 2011 and the 44-year-old woman in 2013.

Two of their children have disabilities so severe that doctors believe they would die without medical treatment.

“They’ll pay your pensions, goyim.”

But the couple remain determined to have a tenth child and have turned to Austria’s IVF fund to cover the cost.

The story has sparked outrage in Austria after it was revealed that the family is being paid the equivalent of £4,470 a month in benefits.


According to local media, the woman had been advised that because of her age, there was a limited chance of success – but the pair insisted on going ahead with the attempt.

IVF treatment in Austria can be provided by the health service which pays up to 70 percent of the costs.

In some instances the health service will refuse to pay, with the age of the woman being one grounds for refusal.

But regardless of who pays for the actual IVF, the state will still pay for all of the proprietary work including hospital stays, blood tests, sperm tests and various gynecological costs.

This is absolute friggin insanity.

We are paying these people to replace us.

For no reason anyone can even explain.

We are letting these people live in our homes and giving them $6500 a month because Afghanistan is poor and it’s sad that some countries are poor?
