Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 6, 2015

Recently, I was in a conversation with a woman doing her typical womanish testing out of my persona. Without having had any political talk in the discussion for the 45 minutes or so it had been happening, she asks “so, do you support gay marriage? You’re not against that, are you?”
With a smirk, I looked her in the eye and said: “do I strike you as someone who supports gay marriage?”
She squinted for a second, and then changed topic.
The fact is that a person’s demeanor and physical presence can tell you almost everything about their political views, because these views are not arbitrary.

Political views, like all of your other thoughts and feelings, are driven by chemicals in your brain. There is nothing metaphysical about it, and the input of this alleged “free will” is also highly questionable.
Though there may be differences based on your individual personality or IQ, the basic fact of the matter is that the higher your testosterone levels, the more right-wing your politics are going to be.
As such, I am not surprised to see that the establishment is now directly attacking testosterone as a chemical.
Research published yesterday by Imperial College London suggests that hormones testosterone and cortisol may be having a negative and potentially dangerous influence on the decision-making processes of City workers.
According to the study, the naturally-occurring steroids have been found to markedly increase the chances of risk-taking and audacious behaviour in men whose responsibilities include commercial and economic transactions.
Whilst testosterone is also present in the female body, the concentration at which it can be found in men numbers almost 20 times that of the fairer sex. The study cites this concentration, along with the dominance of male traders in the financial industry, as a possible explanation for some of the less successful and more impulsive moves made by bankers and financiers in recent years.
There is even a suggestion that some of the miscalculated trades that have damaged our economy coud have been due to hormonal interference.
The extensive tests conducted by Imperial College attempted to authentically replicate the conditions and social atmosphere of a genuine trading floor. The subjects, who were all male and within the ages of 18 and 30, were observed trading ‘stocks’ and making calculated financial decisions in order to record a behavioural baseline.
The 75 men were then administered varying doses of either testosterone or cortisol and released back onto the trading floor for another round of transactions.
This may seem weird, but it is perfectly in-line with the present attack on nature itself.
A brief note: some women support right-wing ideas, but this is due to their having been attached to some source of testosterone, which they view – accurately – as being able to protect them from physical threats.

I will not be surprised when there is a full-on war against testosterone in White men. This study is the beginning of that, I am rather certain. They will begin encouraging mothers to feed their boy-children soy and other testosterone inhibitors so they will grow up to be good little goyim.
So @imperialcollege should we start feeding goyim boys soy to lower their T levels and save the banking system?
— Andrew Anglin (@stormer9k) July 6, 2015
Up Your T
I notice in the comments section there is endless womanlike whining, and this is clearly representative of a plague of low-T within the WN movement. It obviously isn’t a huge part of the movement, but these bitch-men are driving the whole thing in a very negative, pathetic direction, and will continue to do so if they get their way. I see these arguments about religion – on both sides – and all these womanish complaints about small things which don’t matter and I am just like “you sickening faggots. Man-up or gtfo.”
Seriously: Your rustled jimmies mean you are a faggot.
As such, I have argued that high testosterone is a pre-requisite to a successful right-wing political movement.
I have recently been trying to encourage men to do things which raise their testosterone levels.
Part of this was the paleo challenge, and I was extremely disappointed to see how few people apparently completed it. Of course, there is always time to go back and try again.
Beyond diet, an easy way to raise testosterone is through physical activity. Weight-lifting or other strength training is particularly helpful, as well as easier than most other physical activity.
Simply carrying extra fat on your body severely reduces T, as does everything which produces that fat (bad diet, lack of exercise, etc.)
Fixing your hormone situation is not only necessary for success in politics and the personal realm, it is also something that you have a very high level of control over, and that should be viewed as personally empowering. There are so many things on this planet we don’t have control over that it is insane not to grab control of the things you have the ability to control.
Get on it.