Daily Stormer
July 6, 2014

A trend appears to be emerging and defining itself. Europe is beginning the deportations. Right now, it is only under extreme circumstances, but these extreme circumstances weren’t sufficient to get them deported just a few short years ago.
And now they are.
Denmark how now seen an 80% increase in deportations as part of a “get tough” approach.
Hopeful the rest of the nations will begin getting tough as well. Tougher than this, one would hope.
According to the Danish Immigration Service (Udlændingestyrelsen), the number of deported foreign criminals has jumped from 1,020 in 2011 to 1,810 in 2013 – an 80 percent increase.
“Foreigners who commit crimes in Denmark do not belong here. They should leave the country,” the justice minister, Karen Hækkerup, said in a statement. “We will not – and should not – accept that foreigners come here to our country and commit crimes. The increase in deportations shows that the deportation rules are very strict and work the way they are supposed to.”
In addition to the 1,810 foreigners kicked out of Denmark for committing crimes last year, an additional 1,040 were deported on administrative grounds, including being in the country illegally or being deemed a threat to public safety. This number has more than doubled since 2009.