Daily Stormer
January 24, 2015

Denmark is often held up as a country with a more reasonable immigration policy, but the fact remains that at this rate, without deporations, the Danes will be a minority in their own country within three generations.
What is the purpose of this? Why would anyone possibly destroy the nation their ancestors gave them in this sick way?
The 14,815 people who sought asylum in Denmark last year is nearly double the number from the year before and an almost fourfold increase from 2009.
The number of refugees seeking asylum in Denmark nearly doubled in 2014, newly-released figures from the Danish Immigration Service (Udlændingestyrelsen – DIS) show.
A total of 14,815 people sought asylum in 2014. Although the final number ended up significantly below the government’s estimate of 20,000, it is still nearly double the number from 2013, when 7,557 asylum seekers made their way to Denmark.
The 2014 numbers represent a nearly fourfold increase over 2009, when just 3,855 asylum seekers came to the country.
Nearly half of all the asylum seekers in 2014 came from war-torn Syria. The 7,185 Syrians who sought asylum in Denmark were more than three times larger than the next biggest group: 2,293 Eritreans.
The number of refugees seeking and receiving asylum in Denmark was a dominant topic among the nation’s politicians and media throughout much of 2014.
In September, the government announced that it would introduce a new, temporary type of residence permit for asylum seekers fleeing civil wars such as the Syrian conflict after a huge surge in the number of applications. Two weeks later, that was followed by the introduction of new restrictions on the ability of refugees to have their family members join them in Denmark. Those restrictions were criticised by the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and a long line of human rights organisations.
What these people need to understand is that restricting numbers is, at this point, simply dragging out the murder of your nation. Without deportations, it’s game over, no matter what, due to the way these people breed.
If you’re not going to deport the savages who are already there, you might as well just let them all in now and get it over with. Man up and pull the trigger.