Denmark: Greta Thunberg Arrested for Protesting Against Jews

You don’t hear much about Greta anymore.

She was the main character of the media when she was calling to shut down civilization in the name of changing the weather in 30 years.

Then she started going hard against the Jews, and the only time you ever hear of her is when she’s getting arrested.


Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg was detained at a pro-Palestinian rally in the Danish capital Copenhagen on Wednesday, local media reported, citing protest organizers.

Thunberg, 21, who already has a history of being dragged from various demonstrations by police in several countries, was part of a group occupying a University of Copenhagen administration building.

Protesters from the ‘Students Against the Occupation’ group called for an academic boycott of Israeli universities. In a statement on Instagram before the protest action, the group said that “while the situation in Palestine only gets worse, the University of Copenhagen continues cooperation with academic institutions in Israel,” which prompted them to act.

The University of Copenhagen must be stopped!

A total of six people were detained during the rally out of a total of around 20 protesters, a police spokesperson told AFP. He declined to identify those who were arrested, but a spokesperson for the student group said Thunberg was among them.

Prior to her arrest, the Swedish activist reported on the protest on Instagram, last saying that police had “violently entered the building with a ram wearing assault rifles,” and that several students had been arrested.

Several web users posted pictures and videos purportedly showing Thunberg’s arrest on X (formerly Twitter). They featured the activist wearing a black-and-white keffiyeh shawl, a traditional Arabic headdress, being led to a police van in what looked like handcuffs.

A later report by Danish news outlet Ekstra Bladet said Thunberg had been taken to a police station for questioning but was later released. She has reportedly been charged with trespassing along with five other students.

Nothing worse than seeing tattooed thugs arresting a young retard.

Why is the Danish government obsessed with defending Jews?

What dog do they have in this fight?

I can’t find a poll showing the numbers of Danes who support Israel, but I guarantee it is low.

So why is the government going so hard for Jews?

Is it the result of American influence? What other explanation is there?