Denmark: Invaders Fleeing Due to Cuts in Welfare Benefits

Eli Stenson
Daily Stormer
September 13, 2015

"Aw man, Denmark no give us free stuff anymore? At least Sweden will."
“Aw man, Denmark no give us free stuff anymore? At least Sweden will.”

Recently the Danish government cut welfare benefits for invading third-world hordes, and magically many of them are beginning to leave the country.

Fancy that! Who knew forcing personae non gratae out could be so darn simple?

Washington Post:

The Danish government recently cut welfare benefits for refugees and now only allows family reunifications after a one-year delay. “For refugees that have left behind their families in war zones or other precarious circumstances, a year is a long time,” Whyte said. But he added that the Danish reception system isn’t nearly as tough as its reputation.

On Wednesday, however, Danish authorities stopped all trains connecting the country to continental Europe through Germany in order to prevent refugees from crossing the border. Meanwhile, refugees who were already in the country refused to register because they feared having to stay. Most were transferred to a school in Padborg, but 300 of them decided to leave.

“Refugees that have left behind their families in war zones,” my rear end. More like “economic invaders that have left behind their families in war zones because they’re greedy enough to want to leech off of Europeans.”