Denmark Planning to Punish Hajis Double for Their Crimes

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 1, 2018

So the situation in Western Europe is that they had all of these ultra-liberal “hand-off” policing policies. Because basically, in an all white country where everyone has food and shelter, you really do not have very much crime at all. So you can do some of this leftist fantasy shit.

But then you bring these brown people in, and it’s like bringing a wolf to the dog park.

So just creating a law that allows you to give extra punishment to brown people is a sweet move. I don’t understand how they’re able to get away with this, and why if they are able to get away with it they can’t just full-on remove kebab. But it’s good.


The Danish government has announced plans to double penalties for certain crimes committed in so-called ‘ghetto’ areas. These districts are characterized by a higher than average immigrant population.

Justice Minister, and Danish Conservative Party leader, Soren Pape Poulsen told Danish daily Berlingske that “vandalism, theft or threats could be the reason (for double penalties). That means the hammer will fall extra hard in those areas.”

Poulsen added that it would be at the discretion of local police to decide which offenses received double punishment.

The plan is part of a national strategy to eliminate deprived ghetto areas by the year 2030. According to the government there are 22 “ghettos” in Denmark. In order to be classed as such, an area must meet one of five criteria; that the population is more than 50 percent non-western immigrant, more than 2.7 percent have a criminal conviction, unemployment is above 40 percent, over 50 percent have only a basic education and where the average gross income is less than 55 percent of the regional average.

Well, as long as you have brown people, you’re going to have ghettoes. New York City is one of the richest cities on earth, and it has ghettoes. Because there are brown people. It’s not just that they are prone to crime and irresponsible with money and so on – they actually prefer sub-standard conditions of living.

Denmark might be the first Western European country to remove kebab.